How to send in rec. letters and how many can he send?

<p>Are the rec. letters for the fellowships supposed to be mailed in, emailed in, or does he give the recommender’s email addresses to the college to contact? Also, can he send in letters from two teachers and one other rec.?</p>

<p>For Fellows? I didn’t think they accepted recommendations. I do know that if you don’t have a 3.8 you can ask your GC to recommend you. That is all I’ve heard about recommendations.</p>

<p>This year, there is an option to send in ONE letter of recommendation for the UFE. My D is trying to decide which teacher she wants to ask to write one for her.</p>

<p>Ah, did not know that. S has 2 great teacher rec’s that are gathering dust, guess he could send in one of those. S already asked about cbhp and Dr. Sharpe said “no”.</p>

<p>Does the rec for University Fellows have to be a teacher’s rec?</p>

<p>RE: University Fellows…</p>

<p>If you have any questions about anything to do with UFE, contact…</p>

<p>Mrs. Wellon Bridgers 205/348-5522 or <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I don’t think the rec letter has to be from a teacher. Here’s what the application form says:</p>


All students applying to the UFE must first apply to the University Honors Program through mybama. There are three elements to the application for the University Fellows Experience:</p>
