How to Send UNTAKEN AP scores??

<p> i applied to toronto university</p>

<p>and i told them on my application I'm taking 3 AP classes right now.</p>

<p>I look up the status of my application and it says this:</p>

<p>Three different SAT Subject Tests/AP scores (in progress or final)/IB scores (predicted or final). You must arrange for the results to be sent to us from the appropriate testing authority if they are not included on your high school transcript</p>

<p>okay, so I have no idea how u arrange for scores to be sent. People have told me to call collegeboard but I haven't taken the test so I don't have my AP student number or anything!</p>

<p>Thank you very much
any help would be appreciated</p>

<p>uh…you can’t send the scores if you haven’t taken the tests. AP exam scores have nothing to do with college admission - only placement. I"m sure they just want you to send the scores this summer, after you have taken this tests.</p>

<p>When you go to take your AP exams, bring your college’s collegeboard ID number with you. You can get that from Collegeboard. </p>

<p>When you fill out your AP paperwork, put down that College ID number. Then, in July, Collegeboard will send those scores.</p>