<p>Well, Im pretty happy to finally set up my NetID and Email and it feels great to be a student already even though theres still almost 3 months left.</p>
<p>Well, I was wondering about how to shorten my email. I mean in the Oit.nd.edu site, it says that you CAN shorten your email that is, by abridging several letters of your last name, but it DOES NOT tell you what link to click or go to to do this. I prefer not having my full 8 letter last name in my email and would like to cut it down by a few letters, but I dont know where this editing process occurs. Any help from current students is really appreciated.</p>
<p>Damn, I just went to my profile page and it says senior! That is scary. Anyways, here is a step by step guide to seeing your other email addresses (they are setup already, this will show you what they are). At least mine is already setup so I assume yours will be too. Here is what you do....</p>
<li>Go to <a href="http://www.nd.edu%5B/url%5D">www.nd.edu</a></li>
<li>click on the ND A to Z link towards the bottom</li>
<li>in the online directory box, search for your last name</li>
<li>click the more info link</li>
<li>in the upper right hand area click on the authenticate button and then sign in</li>
<li>click the email options button at the top</li>
<li>there is a dropdown box on this page that shows the university email addresses which have been assigned to you, so that you can select the one you prefer. No matter what you select, they all will work. This way you just know what all of your email addresses are.</li>
<p>I hope that helps, let me know if you need help!</p>
<p>That really isn't editing your email address, I know, but I think that is what they mean. If you still want to make a change, you could email IT and ask them for help. They are usually very helpful and I bet you could work something out for them. Hopefully my way will help you a bit though.</p>
<p>ooh, I didn't know you could do that! I just assumed e-mails were assigned and that was that.</p>
<p>but if you have all those different emails, does that mean you have to check each one differently?</p>
<p>Nope, they all go to the same place, it doesn't matter what people use. No worries :)</p>