How to show colleges that i am more than my "low" GPA?

I’m a junior in high school and have a 3.0 GPA. This is mainly due to the fact that in 9th and 10th grade there were several classes where I was incredibly incompatible with the coursework and the teacher :confused: (so I earned C’s and low B’s). I also had a very hard time in school mentally and socially from a move freshmen year.

This year I am not taking any of those classes so I assume my GPA will rise slightly. I also go to a very difficult college prep school, so if I went to an easier public school I would have a much higher grade average.

I do not know what else I can do to get colleges to look past this. Overall, I am great student personality and work wise, so my teacher recommendation letters should be pretty good. I earned a 25 on a practice ACT without studying at all so I assume I’ll go up several points on the official one which I’ve read could slightly balance out this gpa.

I am looking to major film production and my top schools are Chapman, Uni Miami, and UCLA (although this is probably a stretch). I don’t my chances on being admitted in these schools. I don’t have as extracurriculars either, but I’m trying to focus on quality not quantity with a few leadership positions and focusing on what I am truly interested in.

Sooo…what could I do to show colleges that I am more than my GPA and what are my chances in general?

Very, very strong test scores. You probably need higher test scores than the average applicant. So, preferably that you’re above the 75th percentile at each of those schools. For UCLA that is a 2250 SAT or a 34 ACT. You can check for the other schools by looking up their school profile or common data set.

However, since you’re majoring in film production, that might have more lenient requirements than general admission, so I’m unclear about that.

Also, a 4.0 GPA junior year (How many AP’s are you taking this year?).

What do you mean you were “incompatible with the coursework and teacher”? Is it serious enough that your counselor can attest to this in his/her recommendation letter?

Also, UCLA doesn’t look at freshman year grades so…

I am not taking any AP’s this year (my school doesn’t offer that many). Unfortunately I’m taking two honors history/english courses that has pretty much the same curriculum has an AP class but without the credit.

Regarding the classes that I was “incompatible” with, they both had teachers that I just didn’t respond well with their teaching style no matter how much I tried. One of those classes was a language that I have dropped this year, and my counselor says that they will definitely be able to write a letter about how hard it was for me and how it was the best thing for my grades to drop it. I know that colleges really like to see students take a language throughout high school, but I was truly struggling and I replaced it with a film class which I am very passionate about.

It is not just colleges want to see a foreign language on your transcript, many require it. For UCLA, you need a minimum 2 years to apply. Also if your school offers AP classes and you are not taking advantage, then your counselor cannot state that you are taking the “most rigorous” courses available, which would hinder your chances at many colleges.

I have taken two years of foreign language in high school and two years in middle school as a prerequisite (which I don’t think count). Also the only AP classes offered for junior year are definitely out of my ability (AP Physics, AP Chemistry, etc). I do plan on taking 2 my senior year.

Unless you’re aiming for the tippy top colleges, GPA and test scores are your only attribute that colleges will evaluate. Frankly, don’t worry about the EC/leadership chase unless it’s clearly in your lane. Those won’t assist you at all in the sorts of colleges you’ll be targeting. Frankly, bear down and slat your GPA – there is no substitute.

The most elite film schools (ie. USC and NYU) are fiendishly competitive for students with any GPA, because portfolio counts for so much. If you are serious about film programs, you will need to focus as much effort on a portfolio as on test-prep and homework. Unless you have a bang-up junior year, and perform well on your ACT/SAT, your GPA is probably too low for NYU or Emerson. NYU/Tisch calls itself a “50/50” school, because they weigh academic criteria as well as talent.

Can your parents afford to send you almost anywhere? There are plenty of good colleges and arts schools where you can get in with a 3.0. Some have portfolio requirements, some don’t. Definitely look at Columbia College Chicago. Your GPA might be a little low for FSU, but they are topnotch for film. You have a shot at Temple: they do not have a portfolio requirement for their Film & Media Arts school.

UNC-Wilmington might be in range (depending on your junior grades and test scores); they have a strong film/TV program. I’d say that UCLA is probably out of reach for you academically.

If your low GPA is due to the school, it should be reflected in the school profile report. Transferring to an easier public school may help your grade, however, your previous school profile will not be in the application. After your transfer, your accumulated GPA would be likely lower than other students at that public school all the time. So the end result may do more harm than help.


Get better grades. The single best forecast of how you will do in college is your HS grades. Your practice ACT doesn’t help.