How to study for AP Human Geo test

My 9th grader is currently enrolled in AP Human Geo at school. What is the best way to study for the AP exam? Any study guide recommendations (Barron’s vs Princeton Review and others)? Since it is still November, there is a lot of course content that has not yet been covered in class so I don’t think it would make sense to take practice tests right now. My kid would probably do better at studying a little bit a time rather than cramming last minute but I’m not so sure what she can do right now. TIA!

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Most kids I know got a 4 or 5 on AP Human Geo - mine did - and did not study.

I imagine any guide would be good. Depends on the kid and their strentghs - different people do well with different subjects.

You can probably look at some guides on Amazon and peruse their reviews and find a fine offering. But yeah, it’s likely waaaay too early.

Exam prep books help my kid stay organized, I try to get those early, they are not useful 2 days before the exam.

Material is covered differently by teachers, but checking if you understood the content you just went through in class is helpful to do from time to time. They will feel less stressed before the AP exam too.

Plenty of used books too on goodwill site or online thrift book stores, but check with the teacher if there is a major change in the AP exam next year, you may want more relevant, newer book depending on the course.

Example: not much is changing in AP Music Theory, but AP History could be a different thing.

Do well in the class.

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Pay attention in class, do homework, study for tests, etc., I don’t recall my kids “studying” for APs outside of class. The purpose of the class is to teach/learn the material on the test.