How to study for multiple tests

<p>So here it is. End of March, beginning of April, and that month of studying for AP and IB tests. THe difference for me this time however is the fact that instead of taking one AP, I'm studying for ten different tests:
Enviro (learned online)
Comp Sci
Art History (learned online)
Human Geo (learned online)
U.S. History</p>

<p>IB (all SLs)
Comp Sci

<p>So what I would like to know is how to I study for all of these to make sure I can get the maximum score come exam time but not focus on one too much? Specifics would be very nice, but general "How to study for mass exams" tips would also be nice.</p>

<p>Well you have to weigh how confident you are in each area and study accordingly. I am taking 5 IBs and 2 APs this year, not quite as many as you but the best I can advice is try and break apart the studying. Its not the day before the exam yet, don’t cram 5 chapter of US History but instead do 1 chapter and then do some calc problems. Throw in some Env. Science and maybe relax for a little. Do not burn yourself out, I know some people say its best to just focus on one thing at a time but no matter how interested you are your brain starts to just kind of gloss over things after a certain amount of time. Shift topics occasionally to keep your brain engaged. Some of these tests have some cross over (aka the 2 comp sci tests) so its easy to hit 2 birds with one stone. Tests like AP Eng dont really require studying if you know how to write a good essay and read well. Focus on weaknesses first, prioritize the exams most important to what you want to do in college (or the ones that give you credits you’ll need) With so many exams chances are one or two will go sour so dont get discouraged if you are struggling. Good Luck!</p>