How to submit my W2?

Hello! I recently found out on my GWEB that i am missing my CSS and my w2 forms for me and my parent. I am confused because I already turned in my CSS to george washington last novemeber. Also, How do i submit the w2 forms? where do i go?

You can send it to them by mail, fax it to them, or email the PDFs to them. You can find their addresses and information on the Financial Aid Office’s site.

As for it not submitting, that may be an issue on their end. Something similar happened to me, except it was my transcript they said I didn’t send. In the end, it was a mistake on their part. I would send it again just in case, that’s what I did.

the thing is… the CSS costs $16 per school to send, something i dont think i want to pay again. Also, I dont know if you can send a school the css again

@knightsc525 ^

@yoelijah I would contact them, maybe even call them. It’s most likely a mistake. I did that when they lost my transcript and they fixed it within 2 days.