How to Survive Two AP Exams in One Day

Hey CC!

I am in English Lang and Macro this year. These exams are back to back on the same day. Assuming this isn’t an uncommon issue, how have you gotten through both of these exams without having a mental breakdown? I’m worried that English will exhaust both my brain and my hand (all those essays!) and I’ll have run out of steam before even touching my Macro exam! I asked my counselor about it and she doubted that I would be able to eat more than a protein bar in between.

I know students have successfully made it through this combo before. What’s your secret?!

me too! I have ap lit and physics 2 on the same day!! they are notoriously hard

Ive never taken more than 2 exams, but ive taken lang, and econ before, I can attest that lang is not super hard to get a good score, and hopefully you can just get through econ okay,

I believe in you!

@frozenyyogurht Thank you so much! Good luck with your exams too! You got this!

Get a good night sleep the night before.

Have a nutritious, easy to eat meal for in betwee. N. (Think protein-packed smoothie.) A few pieces of cheese. A pack of nuts. Protein bar.

If you can, walk around outside while you eat. And stay hydrated.

You’ll be fine regardless, but you’ll feel less stressed if you’ve planned for some good self-care!