How to take AP Calculus as a Sophmore?

<p>I finished algebra 2 honors with a 97 and I want to go in to AP calculus as a Sophomore. Anyways how to do that? Whether it be take Math Analysis over the summer or just skip, please let me know.</p>

<p>To me the bigger question is why would you want to do this? What would be your math options for junior and senior year?</p>

<p>Because one thread isn’t enough</p>

<p><a href=“”>How can I take Math Analysis Honors in the summer? - High School Life - College Confidential Forums;

<p>There is legitimately no reason to get that far ahead in math as a sophomore, ever heard of the Calculus Trap?</p>

<p>This and the other thread referenced by bloodythunder are basically the same discussion. Please don’t start multiple threads on the same topic.</p>