How to turn down admissions offers?

<p>Whats the best way to turn down admissions offers? As in gracefully.</p>

<p>don't they just have a spot on the candidates reply form to say you're not coming?</p>

<p>if you want to do it personally you could also call or email you admission officer and thank them for the admission, as well as all their time and help, let them know you decided to go somewhere else but still really loved their school...
something along those lines.</p>

<p>It's not a big deal, schools are used to it. Think of the percentage of students who turn them down each and every year. Unless you are a heavily recruited athlete or a celebrity the school could care less. Check the box that says not attending and send in the card.</p>

<p>I was wondering if someone could help me with this: I sent in my deposit and also accidently sent in my confirmation of acceptance. I visited the school a few days ago and realized that I hate it and don't want to go because i've changed my major and they don't have the one I want to take. What do i do?!?!?!</p>

<p>Check with the school that you want to go to now to make sure that they still have room for you (particularly if you turned them down earlier). If they do, send in your acceptance & deposit ASAP. Then call the school you accepted and tell them you've changed your mind. You'll lose your deposit, but it'll be OK.</p>