<p>Hi, I know that it's possible to update information, but how, exactly? What are the nitpicky-gritty details about updating information for MIT undergrad applicants, like ID#, social security info, name, date of birth... and things I did not mention but that should be included in the letter where I update information?</p>
<p>Also, should I send a full blown resume with the new info with a different color/bolded, or should I just send a really short letter if 2-3 bullets on recent awards?</p>
<p>Finally, is it common to update "petty" information, such as local science fair awards, regional contests awards? Would that be too trivial? Does the admission office expect updates to be MIT-worthy, like USAMO qualifier and such?</p>
<p>You just need to include your full name and birthdate with any update.</p>
<p>You can send an update any way you want, and it’s certainly more common to update with normal information than with crazy mind-blowing stuff.</p>
<p>If you are going to update, though, I would advise doing it ASAP. Application reading has probably been going on for a few weeks by now, and selection will probably start in about two weeks.</p>
<p>Updates can be emailed, although the admissions office has stated that they won’t accept attachments, so only email if the update can be included in the body of the email.</p>
<p>The address is also at the bottom of the admissions webpage; it’s <a href=“mailto:admissions@mit.edu”>admissions@mit.edu</a>.</p>