how to use ‘in that’ in sat writing

<p>Is 'in that' the same as because? I'm not sure if in that can connect two sentences or it is just a wrong useage. Anyone knows?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>it is correct, i think. in that is similar to because.</p>

<p>I honestly don’t know, I would google it - I bet there’s 1000 grammar results for that. Some random tips on the writing section: I can tell you from experience on the SAT, if you aren’t sure, don’t use something. DO try to build your SAT level vocab and start using a variety of phrases and sentence structures before the SAT. However, on the actual essay, if a certain phrase escapes you then go with your natural writing voice. One way to enhance your writing and make it sound more like you want your actual essay to sound is practicing using that vocab whenever you write anything - Facebook chat, you name it. It may seem a bit silly to use words like ‘arduous’ on chat but in the end, it’ll become second nature on the actual timed essay</p>

<p>So I just need to use words in my practice, and these words will finally seem natural in my essay, is that right?</p>

<p>“the Greeks and Romans were similar in that they were both located near the Meditteranean.”</p>