How to use WisCard?

<p>Ok, so I understand 1 card does the campus cash, union meal, and housing food</p>

<p>I also understand that I can get food using campush cash, union meal, AND housing food... then which account do they take the money from?</p>

<p>do they ask, "campush cash, union meal, or housing food?" like how people in stores ask "credit or debit?" Or do they just know which one i should use and do it for me?</p>

<p>At SOAR the Wisco people said it changed so that food from non-housing food locations (by that I mean places other than, say, Gordon commons, Frank's Place, Newell's Cafe, etc...) is no longer taken from the campus cash account. That means it could be the other 2, with my bet on the housing food account. I've never heard of the union meal thing, so I can't comment on it.</p>

<p>If you are at a housing location, such as Pops Club @ Gordon commons, it will automatically be taken off your housing account if there are funds in it. This is what you want because only on your housing account will you received the subsidized prices for housing students. Now, you could purchase your mean at Pops from your campus cash account, but you will have to tell the clerk.</p>

<p>If you go to non-housing dining, such as College Library Cafe and get coffee it will automatically be taken from your campus cash because this is not a housing location and will not accept housing money. Now, if this has changed this year as the poster before me pointed out, i'm not sure. But, at least this is how it used to work.</p>