how to write "why this MAJOR?" essays

<p>I was wondering how most people go about writing this type of essay. Is it similar to the "why this college" essay where you mention different aspects and specific things about the college? </p>

<p>My intended major is some hard science : Biology/psych, chem, neuroscience, etc.</p>

<p>I was wondering if this essay would work:
Talking about my autistic brother and my experiences taking care of him, watching him grow and how that's sort of been the #1 influence in my life, thus making me more interested in science/research/medicine. </p>

<p>Would this type of essay work? I'd spend the first half talking about my bro, and the conclusion/ending naming the exact major I want to go into, etc.</p>

<p>To say that “caring for my brother led me to consider a career in science” is perfectly reasonable imo. Make sure, though, that the essay is mainly about you, and not mainly about your brother.</p>

<p>Could anyone please help me out in these type of essays? I don’t have much time left, so please hurry!</p>