How tough is it to transfer to Brown from a state school?

<p>what is the approximate transfer rate, and is it very very hard if you were rejected the first time around as a freshman applicant?</p>

<p>this last go round was 85 of 1000+ applicants</p>

<p>wow...umm <a href="'s"&gt;'s&lt;/a> article on transferring says that 34.4% of all transfers are accepted....Brown's rate is really really low according to you</p>

<p>Actually, Brown accepts very few transfers. In the fall of 2006, there were only 22. However, the number of transfers accepted is a function of the amount of space on campus. In other words, the higher the yield of accepted freshmen the lower the acceptance rate of transfers.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I believe in the past, the admit rate has been pretty high, but the last two years it was fiercely competitive.</p>

<p>those #'s were on one of my acceptance letters, and also what the admissions office told me. i doubt the admission rate will be going up much.</p>

<p>Rabo is correct. It used to be fairly high (relative to its peers) but now it's much more competitive. I attribute a lot of this to the introduction of financial aid for transfers, leading to more applicants. </p>

<p>But to answer your question, it of course depends which state school. But you can get in from any school. I have transfer friends who came from community colleges. I'd say your GPA would have to be higher coming from a low-prestige state or private school than a prestigious state or private school.</p>

<p>State schools are prestigious?.......J/K :)</p>

<p>But yeah you have to be the creme de la creme of your state school. community college. Stellar GPA, extracurricular, etc.</p>

<p>But the good news is, it's not impossible!</p>

<p>I came from a CC</p>

<p>Berkeley, Michigan, Madison, UNC, etc are all very prestigious!</p>

<p>what if you are going to rutgers</p>

<p>I was just kidding .......</p>

<p>it's no tougher or easier than transfering from anywhere else, assuming you have done well in college and had a strong record in high school. go for it and good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah right. How many transfers applying from Harvard get rejected? Doesn't the university love a chance to say "the Harvard kids are coming to us, we are l33t"</p>

<p>lol, PLENTY. I don't think Brown cares. It's not like US News has a ranking for "number of transfers that come from Harvard"</p>

<p>And we all know from another thread that Brown doesn't cater to US News</p>

<p>Clearly, having come from Harvard can only help you, but it's not a ticket in. I'd say coming from a non-prestigious state school you would need better grades than a place like MIT with notorious grade-deflation.</p>

<p>"Yeah right. How many transfers applying from Harvard get rejected? Doesn't the university love a chance to say "the Harvard kids are coming to us, we are l33t"" On the other hand, doesn't the university love a chance to say "we're so selective, we rejected a kid from Harvard."</p>

<p>They would have to be stupid to reject someone from Harvard.</p>

<p>Brown is just as good as Harvard, and almost exactly as selective. So...they'd be stupid why?</p>

<p>ask every person in the world, and 9/10 times more people will have heard of Harvard and responded faster than if they were to hear "Brown"</p>

<p>harvard = job placement + education
brown = BS education (BS doesnt mean Bachelor of Science)
(The brown curriculum is crap where people who graduate from Brown mostly dont know anything about anything)</p>

<p>If you think that a Brown education is BS, why would you start this thread as though you were thinking of transferring to Brown? And how exactly is it BS?</p>