How useful is the 10 Real SAT Book for current SATs?

<p>I've heard its a good study guide since it has actual tests in it but I was wondering how useful it would be for the New SAT. I've been searching through one and I find there are some questions that are obsolete (like analogies and estimations). Is the rest of the book useful in preparing?</p>

<p>Very much so.</p>

<p>its supposed to be as good as BB</p>

<p>Where do you find this book? Just on amazon or something?
So the CR passages and math are still the same?</p>

<p>I did all the practice tests in BB last time I prepped for the SAT but I’m retaking it…and I don’t know how helpful it would be to do the ones in BB again. I really want another book with problems similar to the ones on the actual test!!</p>

<p>go to borders/barnes and noble/waldenbooks/amazon. or whatever. as for how close the questions are to the actual test, the book is published by the people who write the test. so… pretty much as close as you’re going to get.</p>

<p>Buy Amazon, Used (In Like New/Good Condition).</p>

<p>I got mine for ~7 Dollars Shipped and it is crisp and newish =)</p>

<p>The math is not the same because it was before the new SAT. The CR passages are pretty much the same and are very useful as genuine extra passages.</p>

<p>Passage based and SC are just like the new ones. Maths are half same as new ones, and half different. Overall, its good practice.</p>

<p>The math is “trickier” on the old exams; so if you’re losing points to the QC’s, then fear not.</p>

<p>CR has lengthened Sentence Completions too for those who are struggling w/ vocab.</p>

<p>There was no Algebra II in the good old SAT.</p>

<p>i think the reading passages are the same. but how would you score it? by how many you get wrong?</p>