How was your first lecture?

<p>Well this is obviously to all the freshman that have started college, I'm curious to know how your first lecture went. Was it what you expected? How was it different from an HS AP class? Any complaints or tips? I start move in next week so any feedback would be much appreciative.</p>

<p>My first lecture my prof just introduced himself, went over what he would be covering, talked about his syllabus, where to find all types of resources for his course. We didn't even cover subject matter.</p>

<p>Lectures suck cause 400+ people and it is a bad learning enviorment. Rather teach myself</p>

<p>my largest lecture has 180 kids...and its not too bad...the prof breezes through the slides but its legit</p>

<p>For the people with large Intro classes, do you have to go to recitation and discuss the lecture with a TA?</p>

<p>yep...thats where you learn most of the stuff here, in recitation</p>

<p>Classes start on Wednesday at recitation usually done by a TA?</p>

<p>My classes have been going for a little over a week now.</p>

<p>This is what I have figured out so far (I'm a sophmore)
If on the first day the professor doesn't start out talking about the subject matter but just talks about himself, it's a medium to easy (still closer to easy) class.</p>

<p>If on the first day the professor Barely says high it's a medium to difficult class. </p>

<p>If he doesn't even bother to say high, and just starts lecturing and writing on the board and then without any introduction or goodbye just walks out at what seems like the middle of a sentence but actually the exact time that class ends (according to a nuclear clock) then that's just funny.</p>

<p>Big lectures classes are an awesome experience. Learn from them, stop trying to be spoon fed and hand held. They are good for you.</p>

<p>i have college algebra which is a joke.
400+ kids and then once a week i have a discussion with the ta.</p>

<p>then i have a psy intro with 400+ kids with no discussion</p>

<p>i dont like it but i will manage</p>

<p>I'm pretty shy, so I actually prefer the big lecture classes. The more students, the less focus on me.</p>

<p>I'm a freshman and I have only one large lecture...</p>

<p>Most of my classes have recitations accomplying them so I guess I'll have a good hundred plus in each class (state school). I actually came from a medium sized school that had about 20 kids on average per class and AP classes were lower in count; so I'm slightly looking forward to experiencing those large classes. Btw do you have to come in real early to get seats near the front row? Will the proffesor acknowedge your presence in hopes that he might think you have a genuine interest in the class?</p>

<p>my first class was intro to calc and I listened to my T.A. talk for 50 minutes straight zipping through two sections and I was thinking "what the **** is he talking about" the entire time.</p>

<p>I never took any APs in HS, but my first classes were today. I got lost and showed up late, and then I couldn't answer my professor's question to the fullest because I haven't used any Spanish in over a year. There's like 10-12 people in my Spanish class (which I like), so you have to know your stuff and be prepared. I didn't but I did some review a little while ago to be prepared for class on Wed. My History class was a bit fast-paced. The professor talked a lot and it didn't take to long to get down to actual lecture. Overall, the day was okay.</p>

<p>Did you guys notice if many people were taking notes on their laptops or teh traditional pen and paper?</p>

<p>In the two classes I had today, I did not see one person with a laptop taking notes. I wouldn't recommend it because in a big hall, you have a very tiny desk that you fold out and it's hard enough writing notes on it.</p>

<p>Because I'm in Berkeley Fall Extension, my largest lecture is ~70 people. HAH. So it's all good.</p>

<p>I hate you Strykur and your small lectures. Every single one of my 3 lectures was overfull. Standing an hour watching a professor ramble about absolutely nothing in a class stinks.</p>

Standing an hour watching a professor ramble about absolutely nothing in a class stinks.


<p>Unfortunate. This year's yield rate was ridiculous, hopefully it will be much better by spring.</p>

<p>Well i have 2 huge lectures (2 other classes are small studio classes) consisting of 150-170 ppl. But both are rather dull so i'm pretty sure more like around 100 ppl show up for lectures.</p>