How were my examples ? (Persistence vs. Ability)


<p>Great Gatsby -- Gatsby worked hard to obtain a fortune because he wanted a different life.</p>

<p>Macbeth -- Macbeth was filled with ambition and worked hard until he became king.</p>

<p>Beowulf -- When Beowulf killed grendel, and how beowulf feared nothing and fought hard throughout his life to earn his fine reputation.</p>


<p>MLK- was persistent when it came to fighting for change.</p>

<p>Julius Caesar -- fought hard to conquer everyone./</p>

<p>None of those really indicate a lack of ability.</p>

<p>^ i dont think they really had to show a lack of ability.</p>

<p>i was thinking beowulf too! But I forgot the author’s name so I didnt use it. How stupid of me.</p>

<p>George Washington is a perfect example in my opinion for this topic. He wasn’t a great commander but he never gave up.</p>

<p>i dont even think beowulf has an author</p>

<p>I think as long as you somehow mentioned how they were not the other thing. For instance, I said Hitler had speaking ability but was too persistant at the end (even though he really was throughout), how Julius Caesar was intelligent but cautious, and how Bush was persistent in his actions which led to his terrible approval rating.</p>

<p>I picked Albert Einstein.</p>

<p>Growing up he was regarded as a dumb person and all …</p>

<p>He fought through adversities and was persistent and eventually reached success with the theories</p>

<p>lol wow. i did tiger michael jordan and thomas edison hahaha</p>

<p>*tiger wooooooooooooooooods</p>

<p>I used The Great Gatsby and the NAACP. I shouldve used Obama too</p>

<p>lol i also did michael jordan (didnt make his high school team) and the wright brothers</p>

<p>i didnt want to use obama…</p>

<p>they could have been McCain supports</p>

<p>and how did you use Gatsby? Same way I did it?</p>

<p>I thought The Great Gatsby isn’t a great example. I mean if Gastby and Daisy were together in the end, there there’s his success… but he failed…</p>

<p>or unless your on the ability side…i think… but daisy husban (forgot his name, i think tom??) didn’t have any ability</p>

<p>um… btw, i blew off on the essay… i found the prompt a little hard… so i wrote really sloppy and used really basic examples…</p>

<p>I did Beethoven, Andrew Jackson, and a personal example.</p>

<p>Agreed Although Obama had won the election, I am sure there might be republicans grading this paper. So I’d stay away from political topics.</p>

<p>That said, I think this topic is pretty easy really. Easy because it’s easy tofind historical examples. (Which I am good at)</p>

<p>not really.</p>

<p>it was hard to find literature examples.</p>

<p>I used Gatsby because I knew they wouldnt be analyzing my paper</p>

<p>I thought it was a pretty easy prompt, I wrote for persistence over ability. I used Bill Gates as an example of persistence because he dropped out of Harvard and still became the third richest man in the world. I used college athletes turning pro as an example of ability not being all important. I talked about Ryan Leaf lol. I already had a decent score on the writing so I wasn’t too concerned about getting a higher score.</p>

<p>I used the Revolutionary War, (Colonial side as persistent but lacking ability.)</p>

<p>^ Wasn’t it supposed to be about an individual?</p>