how were night classes for you? was it manageable?

due to system issues with the online enrollment site, i enrolled late and ran out of good class slots. i ended up having a night class for TuTh.

my first class starts in 2:20PM and my second (last) class is from 6:00 - 9:00 PM (there is a 2 hour break in between the two). i dont think im afraid of losing attention, getting sleepy, etc. but i’m worried i guess about the workload. like did you do homeworks straight after your night class or how did you manage your time in general? also, im going to a CC first near my area so im not staying in a dorm. i’ll probably just stay in the library during breaks

thank you :slight_smile:

What I would do I that situation is probably flip my homework time, so get up fairly early and do homework in the morning then go to class instead of vice versa. That’s probably harder than the other way around but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I had a night class my first semester of college because of scheduling difficulties. 6-9 on Mondays. I actually loved it. For your schedule, I agree with @snowfairy137 this is about getting up early and doing homework. It will be a test of time management. Don’t sleep to 10:00.

I think night classes are really good for people who are not afternoon types. Three class periods are combined which makes absences a big problem and the whole week. You will need a seriously important reason to miss the equivalent of a whole week and a lit od makeup to do.j.

You can not sneak out early because faculty sees and notes such things. If you do this a regular thing, this will catch up with you and your grade will be toast.

You may yawn but not sleep. You must remain attentive all class. Night classes are not a bad choice for a class you aren’t excited about because you do it once a week. I think popular classes that are full during the day may have a smaller class size.

Faculty who teach at night like the schedule, are awake and enthused as their other class times and don’t a lite version of the class. You meet a somewhat different and perhaps older group. You do homework, study, and class preparation during your study time. Overall, I like night classes because I am alert then. If I had ADD I would avoid night classes like plague. Examine your body clock to make the decision.

it’s nice… but i’ve always tried keep it to one course per semester; any more than that and you’ll literally die.

the class definitely gets boring. I had a class that went for 6-9:30…(THREE AND A HALF HOURS)JFJSLDJFLEJIFELJL…you’ll be fine, but most of time, you’re on the edge.

Do not attempt to do any homework after that night class if you can help it. By the time you get home, your brain will be fried. Front-load your day with the homework, plus whatever you can squeeze in during that 2-hour break between periods.