How will getting an AA before graduating Highschool effect my ability to get into a good 4y college?

I didn’t know what form to put this one under, but I figured this wouldn’t be a bad choice.

I’ve been taking college classes during highschool since first semester freshmen year and now I’m sophomore. I am 1 class away from completing my major, so now I just need a handful of GED classes and a few electives to get to the 64 credits necessary for completing an AA before graduation or within the summer after graduating. I will have 26 credits by the end of this semester, and I wanted to obtain my AA so that I wouldn’t have to worry about transferring my credits. I figured that I could get my AA, then enter a 4 year with my GED out of the way so I can focus on my major, and hopefully get out of 4 year earlier to save money. But lately my mother has been saying that it might be a better idea not to get my AA before graduating as when I apply to colleges I will be grouped with a different group of applicants that waited before entering 4 year rather then with my peers that are fresh out of highschool. Do these claims have any base, would it be better to get my AA and GED classes over with sooner then later?

And since I’m here, I actually have another question, very much related to the topic above. If it is bad to get my AA before graduation, would it look bad to retake classes I’ve already taken? My major for my AA is the language Japanese. As someone who lives in america, it is hard to find people to practice this language anywhere near me, and classes outside of school are very expensive and unless I have constant pressure on me, it’s hard for me to find the motivation to study. If there it isn’t good to get my AA before graduation, I was wondering if it would be okay to retake intermediate Japanese just for the practice and review because I don’t want to lose the information I’ve already obtained. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve Aced jap 3 and at worst this semester, I’m going to get a B on jap 4. But would retaking the class look bad on my transcript, or have any bad consequences, even if I Aced them the first time around?

What program are you in? I’m in running start in WA state. If you completed any amount of college credits before your graduation you’ll apply as a freshman at any college you are applying to. It’s only if you continue to take college credits after you graduate are you then considered a transfer student and grouped with juniors who are going to be older than you. I would speak to your program advisor and an advisor at the college you want to attend beforehand making any decisions.

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