How will I receive notification of my potential enrollment from the University of Alabama?

<p>I am an out-of-state student from Texas who is applying to the University of Alabama for the Fall 2015 school year. I’ve sent in all significant test scores (ACT and SAT), transcripts, and scholarship information, and now I’m waiting to hear back from them. This process was completed on July 29th, and I understand that the committees will be reviewing applications starting today (the 11th of August). </p>

<p>How will I receive notification of my potential enrollment to the school? I’ve already heard back from Ole Miss (which took literally less than a week), and they sent their acceptance letter both through email and through snail mail. Will this be the same for UA? Or is it strictly through myBama and snail mail?</p>

<p>Any help would be much appreciated! This is my dream school, and I’m very impatient to hear back from them!</p>

<p>You could ask this question in the Alabama subforum which is very active.</p>

<p>Or telephone Alabama… shockingly radical suggestion I know, but I’ve heard some people actually do this!</p>

<p>LOL: best of luck to you</p>

<p>There will be new student tabs on your MyBama, that’s the fastest way to know. They’ll send a letter of acceptance, after that a bigger packet, and finally an official scholarship letter through snail mail–no emails. I did some research on this, and the past three years people have been saying they got their student tabs starting August 15. From 2011 on it seems Alabama releases the first wave of decisions via MyBama on that date; however, I’m guessing that whether or not you get your decision on the first day depends on if you’re an easy admit (top stats) and when you submit your application. I’m anxious to hear from them as well, hopefully tomorrow. :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much! You’ve made me very excited! Haha. I entered it pretty early and had pretty good stats, so hopefully I’ll hear back from them. Thanks for the information! I really appreciate it!</p>

<p>I am in the exact same position as you! Ole miss was very quick, but where did you hear they are reviewing them starting August 11th?! I am just really anxious to hear back</p>

<p>I asked my area rep and she said that they would start reviewing them starting August 11th. </p>

<p>I applied July 1st with them receiving my documents on the 7th, with a 33 ACT and 4.0 GPA, presidential scholarship. I haven’t been notified yet… what are the names of the tabs that will pop up?</p>

<p>@Phillyy15‌ someone in the Class of '18 thread posted a link to a screenshot of their tabs and the new tab said “student.” </p>

<p>Has nobody been admitted yet?</p>

<p>I haven’t yet. My ACT, application, and transcript were all processed in the middle of July so it has been about a month, which I don’t think is too unreasonable.</p>

<p>Apparently no one will be admitted until after Labor Day… </p>

<p>^^ That is what my admissions recruiter said. I had my application in July 1st with everything else in too, I feel like they are going to keep pushing the date back /:</p>

<p>Student tab showed up on my son’s mybama account yesterday.</p>