How will increased regular app#s affect transfer chances?

<p>I've heard that tulane has recieved over 34k apps this yr and that it is a massive increase over past yrs and as a result they are tightening the knot. My question is will accepting more regular students mean they take less transfers this yr? Also does anyone know if they are expecting to recieve more transfer apps than normal this yr?</p>


<p>P.S. I made the same thread in the Tulane section but got no responses.</p>

<p>My guess is that they keep open a certain number of spots for transfers regardless of the number of freshman applicants. Most schools want to be able to show a certain number of students desiring to tranfer into their school, and value what transfer students can bring to the school. But if there is an increase in transfer appicants, the chances of being accepted as a transfer would depend on the quality of the applicants. Are the transfer applicants overall applying with higher GPA/test scores/ecs, etc? If so, this would make it harder to get in as a transfer.</p>

<p>yes but at the same time, they always overadmit students than they have room for and who knows how many of those will matriculate and that includes the waitlist too</p>

<p>Using Stanford as an example, there was some concern that because Stanford announced "record" numbers of Freshman applicants that we would be squeezed out. The data came out and it turns out that Stanford is aiming for a smaller freshman class than last year...partially because last year's was accidentally large.</p>

<p>It all depends on your school and their intent, but they're not going to admit more students just because they received more applications.</p>

<p>Well I have no way of knowing what their intentions are unless they announce them. I just know that I would do almost anything to get in.</p>

<p>I know at my particular school I wish to go to, the number of transfers they can accept is contingent upon how many first years choose to matriculate. (My college is completely residential so if there aren't enough beds, you can't attend.) Consequently, their deadline is May 1st. So in my case, if more students choose to matriculate to my choice college, which is most likely the case, there will be fewer transfers accepted.</p>

<p>Not that I'm worried...</p>
