How will late transcripts affect auto admit

<p>My son is planning to apply on Aug 1 for engineering and his ACT scores were already sent. He is top 10% but the high school has a "glitch" in the system that they use for transcripts and no estimate of how long it will take to get it fixed (it's been over a month already). When should we start panicking about the lack of transcripts? I would really be ticked off if he did all this work to be ready right on Aug 1 and then there weren't slots left in engineering.</p>

<p>Hi, gobluemom85. I see that nobody has addressed your question yet. If I were you, I would simply pick up the phone and ask your question of the admissions office. There’s nothing wrong with calling them and asking, so don’t feel shy about it. And yes, it can be you, not your son. (But if you feel strongly that your son should do the calling, you can brief him on what to ask and how to ask it.)</p>

<p>I remember worrying about just those sorts of things when my kids were applying for undergrad. Things like that are so stressful because they’re so important but completely out of our control! I suggest calling admissions directly because, if I were in your shoes, nothing else would put me quite at ease like hearing it straight from the source.</p>

<p>We had a few similar sorts of problems when my kids were applying, but strangely, I can’t remember what we were told at the time. Getting old!</p>

<p>My gut reaction to your problem is that things will work out just fine. Here’s why. First, your son’s high school and school district surely know the importance of getting transcripts out in time. Otherwise, they’re selling short a whole class of aspiring college students, and I very much doubt they’re willing to do that. Second, A&M, like all other good schools, is well-versed in problems like these. Admissions wants to attract great students. They know that things like transcripts are out of students’ and parents’ hands. They have certainly dealt with numerous late transcript issues over the years. And so, my gut feeling is that they will be willing to wait a reasonable length of time, without consequence, while your son’s school district gets their glitch figured out. I’m pretty confident about that.</p>

<p>I can’t remember how the Apply Texas application process goes … your son completes his application and submits it electronically without the transcript, correct? So, fine. Have him do that. Have him submit everything that he can submit as early as he can submit it … and then just wait for the transcript. Like I said, I don’t remember my own kids’ application details this many years later, but aren’t there spots on the Apply Texas application that ask for GPA, grades, etc? The official transcript can be used later on to back up those numbers.</p>

<p>I have a good feeling that this will all work out. But call them to put a bug in their ear and to get this worry off your mind. </p>

<p>Take care and good luck to you and your son! :)</p>