How will my lack of subject tests impact my admission chances for UCs?

I didn’t even realize I had to worry about subject tests before I explored CC. I didn’t take any subject tests, and now I’m worried how this will affect my admission decisions. Do they consider SAT II tests at all?

I’m applying bio, not engineering, so it’s not recommended… does that mean it’s truly optional? Or will this actually harm me in comparison to other applicants?

See link for UC’s explanation of Subject Test recommendations:

Thanks for responding! It’s not recommended… but does that mean it’ll harm me if I don’t have it (in comparison to those that do)? Will they even look at SAT II scores?

I hope not. My son barely got a seat in the regular SAT, there was no time to sit for subject tests. He applied to a few UC schools - fingers crossed! Good luck!

@aml357: Did you not look at the link I provided? If they are not recommended, then it will not impact your chances and even if they are recommended, You will not be penalized for failing to take the SAT Subject Tests.

I did… and I saw it before as well. I just was wondering about this part:

submission of these test scores (just like submission of AP and/or IB scores) may add positively to the review of your application." >

I was wondering how much of a drawback it would be if I didn’t add one compared to a student who does. Like, would that be a huge deciding factor or would it not matter at all. Sorry, i don’t mean to waste your time.

good luck to your son too too! i also was unable to get a seat for standardized testing… although if i knew how important subject tests were, i would’ve reserved a seat at a far away school.

@am1357: You will not be penalized for not submitting them especially if they are not even recommended. If they are recommended, then submitting competitive scores could help but again students unable to submit scores will not be disadvantaged.

Do not read too much into this statement. As long as you presented a competitive application even with the current restrictions, that is all you can do at this point. You are in good company with the many students applying without scores.

Thank you so much for your full response!