How will not taking the Math II SAT Subject Test hurt me for engineering?

<p>This isn’t “chances” thread. </p>

<p>I have a pretty good GPA and all, and I got a 30 on the ACT math section, but I don’t take AP Statistics or Honors Pre-Cal/Trig until next year so I don’t know a lot of the stuff on the Math II subject test and don’t want to take it. I heard UC’s want engineering applicants to take it, but I would just end up doing really bad so whats the point. I also won’t be taking AP Physics until next year, so I can’t take that subject test… Will taking a history and lit. subject tests hurt me :frowning: I feel like there is nothing I can do here</p>

<p>It will hurt you a lot.</p>

<p>I think it would actually make you feel really good.</p>

<p>Damn, this sucks.</p>

<p>Looks like I am going to have to look for somewhere like ASU, UoA, or Cal Poly.. all because of the SAT II's</p>

<p>how can u NOT take math if you will become an engineer? it will look very bad.</p>

<p>Well, I didn't qualify for advanced math in 7th grade (who would've thought middle school would come back to haunt me?), so I am taking math courses at the normal pace. I got an A in every math class I've taken in 10th and 11th grade if that helps</p>

<p>The Math IIC is very curved and if you are good at math it wont be a problem. You might not get the coveted 800 but its not that hard to do above 700. </p>

<p><---760 in 8th grade, after only geometry</p>

<p>For comparison though, i got a 720 on the SAT I math in 8th.</p>

<p>wow you havent even taken pre calc yet? ouch? and you are going to be a senior next year?</p>

<p>engineering majors usually have calc AB/BC AP out of the way upon graduating. and i thought that taking math IIC was required, even for non math-related majors. so yes, not taking it will be a major obstacle.</p>

<p>It could also depend what UC you're looking at. All engineering schools are pretty tough to get in, but when UCSB sent me their packet, I noticed that the engineering statistics were actually below the L&S ones, and yet UCSB has a remarkable chemical engineering program. But I would agree, Math IIC is pretty much required, although to do well you really just have to take tests over and over and force yourself to absorb a lot of the material (which is what engineers do anyway?) Even CP SLO, though, might be tough on you for not taking SAT II, since its unusually hard to get into and otherwise good applicants have been denied.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info guys. I went to B&N and bought a Math II study guide, and after going over it I am confident I can get at least a 600+ (which isn't good, but I am thinking it's better then nothing) and I'll be aiming for UCD/UCSB/UCI. I also thinking about taking Chem instead of Lit. because I figure science based tests are better(?).</p>

<p>With a Ti-89T its like a automatic 600... Like half of the test you plug in a calc and get an answer....seriously..</p>

<p>Kinda cliche, but "SAT scores can only help you"</p>

<p>hm..... a higher GPA can only help you as well :)</p>

<p>Also Lit doesn't seem to have a happy curve. My uber English-y friends took it and scored 600s...Then again, they didn't study, but just think about your SAT Reading Section and subtract by 50 X_X</p>

<p>It won't hurt you for UC Davis. We have no preference on which exams you complete as long as the ones you take meet the University Requirements.</p>