<p>All right, clearly we're new to this. DD decided to ship via UPS most of her dorm-bound things. We'll be there on move-in day to collect and get it all from the mailroom.
For those who have done this- how long in advance to ship? How many boxes is too many? How would you rate this way of getting things to the other side of the continent vs. taking luggage? We're talking about California to Lincoln Center, NYC.</p>
<p>I'm thinking the accumulative experience here would benefit not only this asker, but many in the future. Chime away...</p>
<p>Have you confimred with the school that they wil accept the boxs and how many they can manage? They may have limits due ot size of and number of studnets. </p>
<p>Often the schools will accept parcels for a few weeks in advance. We ordered a ton of things the first year - speakers, subwoofer, keyboard & stand plus all the normal dorm things! We ordered almost everything through Amazon prime and paid no shipping fees. And figured it would last the five years. (He stored things over the summer. We’re also West Coast to East Coast…) Now it’s in summer storage for grad school but he might need to hire a U-Haul for some of the furniture he’s also acquired along the way…</p>
<p>Amazing how much stuff gets accumulated, isn’t it? When D2 moved into her dorm room at Bard, she easily fit the stuff into our midsize car; when she moved out, it took three carloads - and she’s our “light packer.” I’ll spare you the angst of D3’s cross country move… :)</p>
<p>I checked with the mailroom and they will accept what we have. I don’t foresee a U-Haul from coast to coast anytime soon or ever… DD will just have to stay there! ;)) </p>
<p>My feeling is that whatever we purchased/sent was good for those undergraduate years and then could be handed on/donated/disposed of. I’m actually surprised that it will turn out to be useful for another two years! When he finally makes the permanent journey back to the Left Coast I expect most of it to be left behind…</p>
<p>Love that Amazon Prime! We are dropping off son in the morning - every time we think of something we forgot to pack, we just hop on Amazon Prime! The 2 day shipping is great too! </p>
<p>I look forward to sending “care packages” through Amazon Prime as well!</p>
<p>Bed Bath and Beyond also has free shipping right now for any order over $49. For us that worked better than picking up there, as we’re not renting a car. Just had a whole bunch of essentials shipped right to the college. Very convenient.</p>
<p>Yes, I was so pleased with NEC. All boxes were stored in the mailroom, and the residence hall provided big bins for us to transport all the boxes to S’s room in one trip.</p>