How will you check your decision?

<p>The fateful moment at 5:00 PM on the 14th of December...
How will you face that moment?</p>

<p>Light up candles around your computer?
Spray Holy Water on your computer?
Special ritual?
Quick and painless fast clicking?
Wait until your family goes to sleep?
Check later?
Check together with other Cornell applicants from your school?</p>


<p>ideally i would like to get it by mail, however, i don't know for sure that it will come the same day or that all decisions are in the same sized envelope. </p>

<p>so, that leaves me checking at 5, probably having the site up and ready. man i hope luck is on my side.</p>

<p>Take it from someone who just got his deferment from MIT online - just click the button and see what it says. Read the first sentence. If it doesn't say congratulations, then close out the window, go find a nice, secluded place in your house, scream as loud as you can for about a minute, then come back and read the rest of what it says.</p>

<p>It helps.</p>

I'm so sorry that you got deferred from MIT...</p>

<p>thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>wow i'm really sorry to hear that.
i really admire your character though, instead of sulking, you come to post on CC</p>

<p>I will be butt naked when I read my decision. If I get in, I will run outside, naked. If I don't, I will go into my closet and rock back and forth in the fetal position, naked.</p>

<p>Trugangsta, that was my plan initially...</p>

<p>But then I remembered I had talk with my Scoutmaster and sit in on a few Boards of Review, so my plans were ruined.</p>

<p>Does anyone here have dialup?</p>

<p>omg, i think i would cry if a phone call came in just as i click check decision and connection was lost!!</p>

<p>i'm gonna check it right at 5 and if it's bad i'll just go have a biiitch fest with the two upenn ED people from my school who will probably get deferred/rejected too. one of them's a sexyass. =)</p>

<p>i heard that at other schools, they start uploading the decisions alphabetically at 5pm, do you think that's true for cornell??? my friend who heard from gw yesterday didnt hear until 5:30 and her last name starts with a G.</p>

<p>I will open an itunes playlist containing two songs. If i get in, i will play 1812 overture. if i dont, mozart's requiem.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>if i get in i will play this song continuously until i die.</p>

<p>C'mon guys, I think you can come up with some better music than that! I'm thinking that "Taiyō no Mannaka e", by Bivattchee will do just fine.</p>

<p> now it's confirmed that it's merely a letter..not a video of dancing bears or whatever?
And ya..I have dialup. It sucks...I'm gonna be dying of suspense if it loads too slowly.</p>

<p>I'm just going to casually click it, probably with my parents standing anxiously on either side of me. If I get accepted I will fall off of my chair, my heart will stop beating, and then I will spontaneously combust. If I get rejected, I'll say "Oh well, GO BLUE!" :)</p>

<p>Asianjewel, I'm glad that I'm not the only one with dialup. I don't know about you, but we just can't afford broadband : P</p>

<p>As I load the page, my hands start shaking and it starts pressing the wrong buttons, but as I finally press the right one!!!
Its not up yet.....
So I start refreshing and refreshing the page 10~30 times, as quick as I can...and eventually automatically
But at 5:45 (last name is Kim) it finally comes up and I lose out on all the suspense...but I accidentally press the refreshing button again...
So I keep pressing it out of fear, and my mouse breaks and the site slowly loads up...and it says........something that will make me cry or cry...and eventually out in the streets shouting out of pis-sedoffness or joy</p>

<p>We get the letter in the mail on Dec. 14 as well, right? So I think I'm gonna run out to my mailbox first since my mail comes at around 3.</p>

<p>I think they send the letter on the 14. which means that even if they do it the fastest way, you will not know until the next day.</p>