<p>I saw this in the cornell thread and thought it was interesting
so with 3 days and and 17 hours before decisions are up, how do you guys plan on opening your decision? with a friend, family, alone? will you say a prayer before opening, spend five minutes in dread before opening? or have you guys not given it much thought? i'm going to be finding out with my older sister next to me; we'll probably go see a movie if rejected or deferred</p>
<p>I'm going to open it alone after some deep breathing and reflecting upon how my life will be okay no matter if the bulldog pops up or not.</p>
<p>Then I will log into my Eli account with stumbling fingers and my heart racing.</p>
<p>After that, I can promise nothing. Except that I'm making dinner with a couple friends that night :-) just gonna have an amazing night.</p>
<p>If I get rejected, I'm going to go watch a movie.</p>
<p>I hope it releases the decision one this Thursday. We all are surprised and are over with this at the same time.</p>
<p>Probably, very sadly. However, I told my friend we have to do something that night and I have "Legally Blonde" and "Miss Congeniality" ready to go.</p>
<p>Oh NICE!! All you need :-) may I recommend Shrek? Or perhaps some Mean Girls? Legally Blonde is kind of about getting into school, so I'd steer clear, haha. Not that you'll need to ;-)</p>
<p>Plus its set in Harvard (BOO!!!) : )</p>
<p>But maybe the underdog message will be encouraging??? (Darn, I knew I forgot something for my app- that video of me in the bikini is still on my table. :) Do you think it's too late to send it in ;) )</p>
<p>haha ..
i think..
i think..
well, i don't know what i think.
wow... i'm really freaking out</p>
<p>Dietcoke, don't lose it just yet!!! Deep breaths...</p>
<p>I think all I can think about is Yale and I have 6 chapters of Psych to read for a test tomorrow and I just can't do it.</p>
<p>i'll probably be alone opening it. my best friend offered to open it with me, but i dont think i'll react too favourably if i get completely rejected. =P</p>
<p>but yea, i'll probably go to sleep after if i get rejected/deferred. and if i get in, go out and celebrate =)</p>
<p>yeah my best friend is driving me home from school(I won't be able to drive back that day for mental reasons lol) and then we're looking at it together. Afterwards either a lonely night at home with my friend talking sadly or going out with him to see our other friends or something...2 of my best friends already got into nyu, their dream school...ahhh i wish i could be among them to get into their dream school</p>
<p>I opened mine last year while giving my dog a hug. Worked out well for me!</p>
<p>Haha maybe I should open mine with my dog as well.</p>
<p>He's not a bulldog, but he's still pretty darn cute =P</p>
<p>I have two dogs... which one to hug???? I think I'll open it with my bigger one... more squeezable</p>
<p>Alone. Definitely alone. But i'm on the other side of the world, so it'll be early morning anyway. </p>
<p>I'll have to remind myself that there are universities that want me, and then curse my internet connection as the page loads.</p>
<p>I will receive the result at 12 am on Saturday here. Since on Saturday morning I will have an exam, I really hope I will get to sleep before 12. The first thing when Iwake up will be turning on the computer. No big deal, no consoling friends or family, no after-plans since I have to get ready for the test. I am used to the idea of a rejection anyway, but I need to see it.</p>
<p>I'll definitely be doing it alone. I'll just slowly look to see the rejection notice xP ... then sleep off the pain for the rest of the day. </p>
<p>I always prefer to do these things alone b/c I can't stand to be all sad and emo around my parents/friends when giving them bad news >_< I'll have to calm down a bit before breaking the news. (thus the whole sleeping thing)</p>
<p>Actually, rejections are all right. Deferments, on the other hand, are simply cruel.</p>