How will you open your Yale decision

<p>I am going to get home from swim practice, go to the login, type my info in, and then stoically, hopefully courageously, click "LOGIN". Then I will grit my teeth for whatever happens. If I'm rejected/deferred, I'm going to try to get out and do something fun with friends to take my mind off of things. If I'm accepted, I'm going to go to the school dance and dance with everyone, even people I don't know or don't like, and I'm going to crowdsurf and jump until my lungs collapse, and sprint through the halls.</p>

<p>i'm going to wake up from my nap, and look very slowly and unhappily. my stomach will churn, and.. deferral/rejection. yayyy. my family is planning on leaving the house so i can stomp around angrily. they're afraid of me when i'm in a bad mood.</p>

<p>I'm not Yale, I'm Stanford, but it's basically the same deal. Same ridiculously low chances. Same simultaneous dejection and feeling of "well what did I think was going to happen?" when opening the rejection/deferral. </p>

<p>I'm either going to be alone at home or at the public library where no one will know that I am opening up my future in an email, and thus no one will be waiting with bated breath only to be disappointed. I would open it with my cat, but she wouldn't sit still, only augmenting the feeling of rejection :p. </p>

<p>Either way, I'm going to a holiday party a few hours later, so I've already told my friends that they will either be consoling or congratulating (yeah right) me.</p>

<p>well... im going to have as much fun as i can before by eating and partying it up with my friends.</p>

<p>then at 4:59, ill come home, grab my evil cat, open the link, see the rejection and CRY...</p>

<p>then i'll watch a jim carrey movie, he always makes me laugh</p>

<p>superstressed, i LOVE jim carey. my favorite line is when in liar, liar he says "i hold myself in contempt, why should you be any different?"</p>

<p>thinking about it, that's actually not funny, just amusing.</p>

<p>opening it by myself. if i'm rejected, i'll watch some junky, sappy movie or something (i'll have to plan a good one), if i'm deferred i'll just overeat some more and work on my other apps, and if i'm accepted i will most likely go streaking.</p>

<p>probably not, but i'd do something crazy haha</p>

<p>Yep. ALONE's the way to go. I'll shut the door to my study, open my account, and cheer/be exasperated/cry. My whole family will probably be pressing their ears up against the other side of the door, and will able to tell what happened just by listening.</p>

<p>My sister is studying abroad in Africa right now-- she said that she's going to call me a little bit before 5:00 to "open" it with me. I was like "Dude, you already know what it's gonna say (rejected)". But it's a nice gesture. Realistically, I think I'll probably get rejected or deferred... is that everyone else's general consensus? I'm guessing that like... 10-15% will be accepted and the rest will be deferred/rejected so yeah. I'll open it with my parents and sis... if I don't get it... I'll try to take it like a man (even though I'm not one...)</p>

<p>Best wishes everyone!</p>

<p>yeah... i figure around 12%ish accepted, since there were so many early apps.</p>

<p>although i was wondering if this year yale will accept more, if they're worried about yield (since most of the harvard/princeton kids are applying to yale kind of as insurance)</p>

<p>i'm hoping for a deferral. at least then i know i still have a shot in RD.</p>

<p>i was figuring around 15%....well, whatever</p>

<p>i dont really want to open it at five i sort of want to go out then come back home after and then check least i will be able to have fun for the night!</p>

<p>I think the only way that Yale can take advantage of being the only EA school out of HYP is to have the same % acceptances as before. I mean, they know they WILL get fewer apps for RD than in past years. </p>

<p>And like mentioned above, lots of H and P kids applied to Yale EA for insurance - they're the kids who caused the increase in apps this year. By offering such kids EA admission, Yale cld effectively win them over - a Yale acceptance's gonna be on their mind for months, and they see themselves in Yale etc etc. </p>

<p>so I don't see how their yield would benefit if they accept the same # of EA applicants.</p>

<p>well, i can always hope haha</p>

<p>I will open my Yale decision with the theme song to "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" running on a loop on my computer. Once I sense THE MOMENT has arrived, I will pull a fast click on the "refresh" button, Clint Eastwood style.</p>

<p>The aftermath?</p>

<p>Accepted = Go out to eat; listen to Pavarotti's rendition of Nessun Dorma before I leave.</p>

<p>Deferred = Go out to eat; gorge myself until I go into a coma from which I won't awake until April 1. </p>

<p>Rejected = "........................................................................." <em>Dies, and is then reincarnated as a platypus.</em></p>

<p>I will be opening it by myself, but my twin sister will be getting her decision from UPenn the same time. So while I'm checking my status, I'm going to be listening for cheering or cursing from the other room. Wow that'd be so awkward if one of us gets in but the other doesn't</p>

<p>alone. my mom's out of the country and my dad works until midnight and my brother doesn't wake up until 2am. hah! if ...</p>

<p>accepted: go downtown and celebrate.
deferred: call my best friend and yell very loudly about how i don't really give a s*** and i am not going to tolerate being forced to wait for another three months. then begin working on my other applications
rejected: go downtown and start busking and begin my career as a rockstar.</p>

<p>ill open it up in front of my class haha.</p>

<p>with my best friend on the phone. and hopefully after work if I can control myself
accepted: I'll hug everyone around me and then go out and run and sing loudly through the neighborhood
deferred: scream and stay up all night working on my princeton app? idk yet.
rejected: cry loudly over the phone till my friend drives over to see me, stand in the cold shower and scream at myself for not having applying early somewhere where I stood a chance</p>

<p>woaaa bigreddawgie, you are brave. all three circumstances would involve me going insane (accepted with joy, hugging/suffocating EVERYONE, deferal with extreme anger, with lots of shouting, rejection with um. hanging myself)</p>

<p>so i want to open it by myself but im expecting my older sister to peer over my shoulder and not leave me bc shes too interested for her own good. and then my parents will come in and then probably they'll invite the neighbors and the rest of the town to watch me get rejected. o, i cant wait.</p>

<p>I'm having a really hard time deciding. I'm on the west coast, so I find out at 2:00 and school doesn't get out until 2:15. My friend told me I should just check on the computer in the physics room in front of everyone, but I don't think I can take that. Then there's the ask for a bathroom pass and run to the library option. Or I can wait the fifteen minutes and go the library. I have dance class right after school so if I don't check before I catch my bus I'll have to wait until like six. Which may be better because then I won't be too depressed about my rejection. But if I don't check I'll probably be really distracted. I don't know. I think I'm leaning towards the wait till six option.</p>

<p>I don't know why I'm thinking into this so much. I already know it's a rejection...</p>