How will you open your Yale decision

<p>check in class. thats what im doing. my french class if full of juniors lmao.</p>

<p>I'll be checking it at home. Before hand, I'm going to take a nice, long nap when I get home from school, with an alarm set for 15 minutes before decisions. Granted, I probably won't be able to sleep, but if I can it'll waste those painful few hours. </p>

<p>Then, when its time, I'm going to quietly check it in my room by myself. Then I'll tell my parents and text my best friend, who had said he wanted to be there but couldn't get here until like 15 min after decisions came out. </p>

<p>Afterwards, I'm going out to dinner with my friend either way, and probably having a sucky Friday night because I don't want to make plans cause I don't know what mood I'll be in.</p>

<p>I'm gonna check at school. I can't stand waiting until I get home.</p>

<p>you know, they never said 5 pm, they said something akin to "sometime friday night"</p>

<p>hopefully they dont torture us by making us wait till like 5:15 or something</p>

<p>if you asked t26e4, he'd probably tell you exactly when they're coming out, seeing as he's probably the dean of admissions at yale</p>

<p>I am skipping dance class to go home... I will then drag my fat dog inside and attempt to put her on my lap. In reality, I will probably end up on the floor.</p>

<p>I will require utter silence and the christmas tree lights turned on and the house at an approximate 70 degrees Fahrenheit. </p>

<p>Then, I'll DO IT!!!!! Even just typing it makes me go jelloid.</p>

<p>Hmmm....fringey, that may be a good idea. But I don't think my ballet teacher will buy that excuse. And I really shouldn't skip. </p>

<p>Ugh. I'm totally overthinking this...I feel crazy making such a big deal over it. It shouldn't matter if I find out a couple hours later, but it so so so does!</p>

<p>You're all so brave. I'm making my mom check for me. She can break the news more kindly than some form email ever could. :-)</p>

<p>I'm only skipping dance because I'm not called for any specific rehearsals, so I would just kinda be hanging out, stretching, trying and failing to choreograph.</p>

<p>It really does matter.... just go with your heart. If you won't be able to have a productive dance class, just go home. And then dance when you get your letter ;-)</p>

<p>My dad would pull a trick on me and pretend like I got accepted, haha. Then I would faint. And not speak to him for a week.</p>

<p>Temperamental? Me? No....</p>

<p>If i get in, me and my friend are gonna go out, if I don't...I have no idea what we'd do...</p>

<p>I saw it.</p>


<p>DEFERRED. </p>

<p>There was one line. I can't remember the exact wording, but it said something like, "We have considered many applicants this year. Your application status is:"</p>

<p>Haha I was thinking about having my mom check for me, but then I'd just be sitting in a corner, so if I get rejected it'll be just awkward for the two of us.</p>

<p>Hahahah... awkward bulldog.</p>

<p>The only drawback to my mom checking is that, in the off chance that a clerical error results in acceptance, she'll be confused by the bulldog graphic and convey the wrong message. Then again . . . not exactly the worst fear to have, right?</p>

<p>im not gonna be nervous,</p>

<p>nor will i be upset or disappointed if i get deferred or rejected</p>

<p>kinda weird actually. im perfectly calm about this</p>

<p>hahahaha im not applying to yale (brown) therefore i have no reason to post here.....but! if i get in to brown, I'm going to run around my house 4 times then get my ipod run to my front lawn with a pillow and listen to music as I look up at the sky. The neighbors will probly think im crazy, but ahhh who cares! if not, ill feel upset realize i have an exam the next day then go to sleep to wear off the misery</p>

<p>haha my friend who got deferred from dartmouth today and i have already made plans to have a crying fest while watching chick flicks and eating our feelings this friday. =P</p>

<p>Deferred isn't so bad... at least for me, haha.</p>

<p>i'm just...
like i feel like for me it's going to be either deferred or accepted. either or.
and i don't want to be deferred! maybe i sound cocky saying that, but really, i feel like i just won't flat out get rejected..</p>

<p>haha now i wish i were still in dance....</p>