How would this affect early results if my semester grades ended up being worse than my quarter grades?

How would this affect early results if my semester grades ended up being worse than my quarter grades?

In most cases, semester grades are posted after early decision and many early action decisions are posted.

Decisions are made before first semester grades are released.

If you get accepted early and the school requires a midyear report and your first semester grades are significantly lower, expect to receive a warning letter.

To be clear on concept, “significantly lower” is not a 98 going to a 93. And no student in the history of the universe has ever had an early acceptance rescinded based on grades. But if the final grades show no improvement, an acceptance is in jeopardy.


How much worse?


Depends whether you mean A to B or B+ to D!

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my quarter grades were all As so I guess maybe if at the end of the semester i ended up with a few Bs (this happened in junior year too so i guess you might call it a fluctuation??) in my higher rigor classes

on one hand i don’t think it might be considered a large drop, but i’m also not too sure what significant drop in grades actually means

All Cs, or some Ds&Fs.
No one will be rescinded for a couple Bs.


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