How would USC feel about a Computer Science major having a C in Calc2?

<p>Goal: USC
Major: Computer Science and Business Administration Hybrid Major
Applying: Next semester.
Projected GPA when applying: 3.775</p>

<p>Problem: Something happened this semester that I couldn't control that forced me to drop a class (I don't feel comfortable sharing what happened so please don't ask). I dropped a 5 unit physics course and got a W. My Calc2 grade was affected negatively too, I'll be getting a C in the class no matter what I do. With the C my GPA comes out to 3.775 when I apply next semester.</p>

<p>Question: How badly will this C affect me? I also have taken 5 honors classes and will most likely have an internship on my application. What's my best route?</p>

<p>P.S. Calc 2 is a major requirement, so is Physics.</p>

<p>ALSO: if you don't think I have a chance, where do you think I do have a shot at?</p>