how would you answer interview questions such as...?

<li>Your Strengths and Weaknesses</li>
<li>etc. etc.</li>

<p>so on.</p>

<p>for the weakness question, spin it so that it will seem something good
- i'm a procrastinator but i try to have my deadlines one week in advance to fool myself</p>

<p>something along those lines, of course you could always be honest but that will put you in bad light</p>

<p>Honesty is the best policy. You probably know your strengths, so that shouldn't be problematic, but I think you can easily tie your "weaknesses" (a nice euphemism is "areas of improvement") in, much like silverpetal said.</p>

<p>Mine would be like..."I am incredibly meticulous and thorough in my assignments and projects especially, and enjoy doing outside research and work purely for pleasure. Although I can become perfectionistic and near obsessive with the task at hand sometimes."</p>