How would you guys feel

<p>For the members that have a 3.8+: how would you feel if you guys got rejected and say one of the members on this site with a 3.2-3.5 gets accepted to CAL and/or UCLA.</p>

<p>(whatever, it's hot, and i'm bored.)</p>

<p>omg why is it so hot!!! san francisco is burning up bad and that never happens!</p>

probably hotter here in LA, Pasadena especially (Pasadena is always 5-6 degrees hotter than LA)…</p>

<p>with a 3.891, id be pretty bummed… plus i have TAP for BOTH schools…</p>

<p>I didn’t apply to CAL (don’t like it in norcal), but if someone did get in UCLA with a 3.2-3.5 in the same major I actually wouldn’t mind…I am leaning towards UCSD anyways. There will be people who get 3.2-3.5 GPAs who get in, but its probably not the impacted majors.</p>

<p>i’d be very very sad :(</p>

<p>How hot is it in SF?</p>

<p>it was around 85-88 today. it was BURNING! with a full sun out… ugh.</p>

<p>It would really depend on the person.</p>

<p>I tutor a lot of adults with learning disabilities. One of my students has, over the past 2 years, become one my really good friends. She has a pretty severe case of dyslexia and when she first started college she made nothing but D’s and F’s. She has WORKED her butt off and even though her GPA is a 2.99 (yeah, we’re trying to bump it that one hundredth of a point) she has made nothing but A’s for the past 3 semesters.</p>

<p>No one knows better than me how hard she has worked to be where she is today. She has put in more effort than anyone I know, myself included.</p>

<p>So if she got into Cal and I didn’t I wouldn’t be mad for a second. She has put in an incredible amount of work and deserves every bit of it.</p>

<p>oh and did i mention it was 65 on saturday! thats what makes it weird…</p>

<p>oh peppa, at my school today it was 102. my boyfriend lives in the valley and it was 105, 106 or so.</p>

<p>Peppamint, where do you go to school at? City?</p>

<p>damn… thats worse sophee… my mom was tellin me it was burning up in south bay also, close to 100.</p>

<p>chibi, i go to school in the city, yes.</p>

<p>sopheee- it was also around 102 for me today, my bf lives by the beach and it was still 100 for him too :(</p>

<p>as if we’re all not sweaty enough from the ANXIETY of waiting!</p>

<p>lol, i meant - do you got to City College. But i guess so. That’s pretty sick, bro. I go to Skyline where it’s always cold. Today was niceee… 80 degrees with ocean breeze.</p>

<p>this is not normal… its 11 30 and i have class at 8 30, but i can’t sleep cause its so hot! i never thought i’d need a fan in the city, but i NEED one now!!</p>

<p>i dont go to city college… i go to usf, private school.</p>

<p>oh right on. how’s that like? ive never been to the campus before but i heard it’s pretty sick.</p>

<p>To be honest, now I’m actually getting cold. It’s 72 degrees here.</p>

<p>chibi… its alright, the campus is nice… but hte school is kidn of dull. its great with parties and all, but no school spirit… its like another high school and im not enjoying it =/ i was forced to come here, no choice… so im ready to leave now =P</p>