Hello all! I’m pretty new here but I just have a quick question. I’ve read on previous threads that Howard University is making budget cuts and taking away the Legacy rull ride scholarships this is a really big deal to me because it was one of the reasons WHY I was applying to Howard. I have a 3.1 UW and w 3:3 W that should go back up to hopefully a 3.2 UW and a 3.4 W by graduation. Do anyone know of any scholarships out there for me. My family struggles financially so this is the only way I can attend college.
I was also looking at Spelman, Hampton and Occiental College
Take a look here:
Most of the automatic full rides require a 3.5 GPA, but it looks like there are a couple that could work for you, depending on your class rank and/or test scores:
University of Arkansas at Monticello
Louisiana Tech University
And if Howard’s “full tuition plus room” scholarship is still available, that could be an option also. It’s not as much as a full ride, but it’s close.
And here’s the list of competitive full rides:
The requirements will vary - you should look at the average GPA/test scores for each school to get an idea of whether you’d be competitive for one of these awards. When you get to the school’s website, do a search for “Common Data Set” - if you can find it, that will tell you what the average GPA & test scores were for their most recently admitted class.
Re Howard: The Legacy is gone, at least for now. In addition, the only full rides now require higher standards…
Minimum 1400 SAT (m and r only) or 32 ACT and 3.5 GPA to be considered
There is a lower level capstone, but it is now in part need based and not a full ride. Rumor has it that budget cuts and a desire to focus scholarships on top students.
Go to Howard’s admissions then tuition page, then scroll to the bottom.
What is yoir SAT score?
@ucbalumnus any suggestions for,this student?
I haven’t taken the sat yet. I took the act and I got a 29 on it. I was hoping to take it one more time and aim for a 30 @thumper1
Thank you @ReturningFavor and especially @dodgersmom
@Readyplayer Still try Howard as capstone is in your range, in addition criteria could change again. Also check nc central. Finally, there will be non Hbcu options as well. In the summer post your info again and you’ll get plenty of help here. Keep working hard. College can be your plan still!
@Readyplayer - You should aim for a 32, not just a 30, and really prep for it . . . after all, a good score could be worth as much as $100k or more in free tuition and other costs!
Spend some time on CC’s [ACT Preparation forum](ACT Preparation - College Confidential Forums), and then work your tail off this summer doing practice tests. I always recommend focusing on one subject at a time until you’ve mastered it. Just do one or two 20-min. math sections a day, for example, until you’re comfortable with them, and then move on to something else. You don’t need to sit down and do an entire 3-hour practice test at one time - focusing on the individual subjects is much more useful. They should be able to give you some tips in the ACT forum on where you can find extra practice tests. ACT publishes a new practice test booklet every few years, and there are plenty of old ones out there floating around. They’ve probably all been posted on the internet by now - you just have to find them!
Do you think it is possible to rewrite the SAT’s in June so as to be reconsidered for a scholarship?
Do you guys think it is worth a try even though I’m planning to enroll for this Fall 2016?
Agree with checking the lists in #1. Consider taking both ACT and SAT to score as high as you can for the scholarships.
Re #7
You have to ask the school to find out if they consider late test scores to upgrade the scholarships.
I would think that it’s too late for fall 2016 entering freshmen scholarships, but you could call admissions and financial aid and ask.
I don’t agree with taking both the ACT and the SAT. Better to take a practice test (or two) and see which one you feel more comfortable with, and then focus your attention on that one. No point in spending the time or money to take both.
https://www2.howard.edu/admission/tuition (scroll down) lists the scholarships.
Compared to last year, when the scholarships were first come first served for those with the specified stats, they are now competitive.
I don’t think they are getting rid of it but making the requirements a little more harder for students to obtain it
@mahoganycurls305 see the link above that @ucbalumnus posted. The Legacy scholarship is no longer active at Howard. That was a tuition only scholarship for entering freshman and required only a 3.0 to maintain.
They still have Presidential and Founders scholarships which are fulll rides, non need based (purely merit), with a minimum of 32 ACT or 1400 SAT (reading and math only) to qualify for consideration and 3.3-3.5 to maintain. Capstone is a tier lower, but in part need based.
Laureate is also now gone, but it was based on being a finalist as a National Achievement scholar and the NA is not active in general (from what I understand) under the National Merit Corp any longer.
I don’t know if this has been addressed but the Capstone scholarship also takes into account financial need. I was an applicant this year and there was not a set amount. People who had lower standardized testing scores than myself received a larger amount in scholarships. I don’t know if this has been updated on the website(it wasnt when I applies so the amount was pretty shocking) but please keep that in mind. Try to aim for a 32+ on the ACT or the SAT equivalent. I had a 31 ACT score with a 3.791 gpa. Howard gave me about $24,600 and expected me to take out loans for the rest.
In my opinion it’s not worth going to Howard if you have both a high act score and GPA and they still want you to take out loans. It maybe beneficial to look at other HBCU’s or PWI’s who will offer you a full ride to come without any loans needed to be taken out. The main goal is to stay debt free.
What other HBCUs are there that would award this student significant aid? You usually post those…I can’t remember the names!
On another thread…someone wrote that Alabama State gives full rides to students with a 26 ACT but I think the OPs current GPA is too low.
Legacy was not full ride. Prairie View A&M has a comparable award:
With your current gpa:
@Readyplayer remember to also look into your local community college as an option for the first 2 years of college with transferring to finish at a 4 year as an option. This need not be your first choice plan, but should stay on the table as an option as it tends to be a more affordable one. One cc in our state now offers 2 free courses to graduating seniors who meet basic criteria. So, students are only paying a relatively small fee for 2 additional courses the first semester for a full load of college courses!
@mahoganycurls305 I agree that avoiding loans is important when at all possible.
@Chopinspiano one of mine is at Howard and came home and told one of our younger ones to take an ACT prep course this summer to try and hit the 32 mark. Howard is not harder to get money from for sure.