Hi everyone!
I know it’s early, but I saw that no one created a discussion for prospective Howard students for the class of 2020. Feel free to add to the post any stats or questions! Perhaps when the time comes, you can notify us about acceptance and scholarships received!
Let’s start with listing out the schools you’re applying to! I’m going to rank mine, feel free to do the same if you wish.
- Howard University
- Spelman College
- UNC Chapel Hill
- American University
- NC A&T
- Cornell University
Have a great day and happy applying!
College List no order :
Howard, Spelman, Northeastern, Syracuse, Boston U, NYU, UPENN, and some SUNYs since I’m from NYC.
GPA: 96.2/100 UW
ACT : 31 (Retaking)
My ultimate goal is to get presidential scholarship and get accepted into the BS/MD program at Howard.
What are your stats?
Awesome stats!
GPA: 3.7 UW
ACT: 26
I’m definitely retaking the ACT, shooting for at least a 30. I would really love at least a 32 so I could get the capstone scholarship, but I’m trying to be realistic since I know I don’t test very well.
Is Howard your top choice?
I’m so glad someone made this!
GPA: 3.8 UW, 4.3 W
SAT: 1940, but retaking in October and on track to get at least 2200 but hopefully higher so I can get the presidential scholarship
I’m applying to (not in any order):
- Howard
- Northeastern
- Boston University
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Emory University
- Spelman
- Barnard
@starburst98 I just replaced Cornell with Barnard on my list! Is Howard your top choice? What are thinking about majoring in?
@simplejoy I don’t really have a specific order, but Howard is pretty much my top choice. All the other schools just seem very similar to each other and Howard has such a unique vibe that I don’t get when I’m on any other campus. I think I want to have a psychology major/bio minor, what about you?
I’m not proud of my stats but here they are-
3.7 GPA …idk if weighted or unweighted
27 ACT first and ONLY time taking didn’t. prepare for it at all :l
Howard is my first choice and my ultimate goal is the BS/MD program (I know, lofty goal right?)
I also question my chances if I’m not African American.
@quinnmquinn those stats aren’t bad at all! I know the BS/MD program is super competitive but I think you have a pretty good GPA. Howard doesn’t have a preference for any race even though it’s an HBCU. Your classes will have mostly black students, but it has no affect on your admission.
@futurepharm there are a lot of nyc students at Howard so you should be able to fit right in should you decide to attend!
@starburst98 you have some very rigorous schools on your list. I’ve toured all of them except UCLA. I went to Barnard a few days ago and saw a little bit of the campus. Good luck with everything!
Hi @quinnmquinn , what other schools are you considering?
Son is applying. Stats aren’t great, but he did attend the HSSEA through the school of Pharmacy this summer and made phenomenal contacts. He has a 3.6 GPA with a 27 ACT.
His schools are:
Xavier University of Louisiana
University of Michigan
University of Southern California
University of Miami
He wants to double major in computer science and minor in environmental science
Why don’t I see FAMU on anyone’s list. FAMU is “Howard at a more affordable price”. The cost of living in D.C is super expensive and Tallahassee is a bit safer. I love Howard and the school’s rich legacy but FAMU is growing so nicely … I just read about how FAMU recently implemented a rigorous fast track MD program to increase the number of black minorities in the medical profession. I think that’s amazing and will prove to be an invaluable asset for aspiring black MDs
My D’s top choice is Howard. She’s also applying to Pace, Fordham, Catholic U, Arcadia, Baldwin Wallace, Wesleyan, Brown, Yale, Carnegie Mellon and Spelman. Right now her stats are 4.0UW, 5.0W. ACT 28 (trying to get her to take them again because she hadn’t really prepared for that test and I know she could do better.) She’s looking to major in Theatre/Musical Theatre. @NuScholar I did speak to my daughter about FAMU but she didn’t want to go to Florida. It took some convincing to get her to consider Atlanta, Georgia. 
@mtjones1 if your daughter is looking to major in musical theatre I suggest NYU. They have excellent ties to Broadway being in New York City and have always had a solid music, theatre, dance and arts program.
NYU is ridiculously expensive; more expensive than all of the Ivies based on COA. Unless money is a non factor, I wouldn’t recommend it.
I’m applying. I have a 3.79 UW GPA with a 31 ACT score.
I’m also applying to:
- UofSC- Columbia
- Appalachian State
- Tulane
- University of Alabama (accepted)
- Ohio State
- Vanderbilt (my biggest reach)
I’m debating about applying to Barnard, Northeastern and Boston University.
Yeah. NYU hasn’t been on our radar for a while now. We know the training is great but she didn’t like how spread out the campus was and from what I understand the amount of aid given out compared to not only the cost of attending but also the cost of living there just made it not a good fit for us right now. She liked Pace better. I liked it too. We’re visiting Fordham this weekend so we’ll see what she thinks about it.
Also, We know people who have come out of Howard’s program and are working, doing well and have great things to say about their training at Howard. So I’m perfectly fine with her attending. She has also been blessed to have some great NYC contacts without living there so that will be helpful to her as well.
Hey guys! My name is Gabrielle McNutt. I’m a first year marketing major from Houston, Texas. So if you guys need anything or have any questions, please let me know! I just went through this process and I would love to help! :-h