Howard University Class of 2020!

@returningfavor, it is West that is closing in the fall, East is the honors dorm. If your daughter is in honors, did she choose East? If so she should be okay. If not, I would start blowing the housing office up, and try to get her in the East Tower.

I am sorry, I mis-typed. Yes, she is suppose to be in Towers East…but will they have room and if not who goes elsewhere: Athletes, Graduate Students or Honors Students?? My guess is that graduate students will keep their spaces and they will want upper classmen/women athletes (aren’t they guaranteed housing??) on campus because of practices, etc. So if they fill East, where will they put full scholarship kids who are guaranteed housing? Guess who has to take on the impossible task of reaching someone at HU tomorrow? Yep, me. My D is not overly worried and told me just to sit tight as it will work itself out. I know better.

lol, you are right we all know you should not sit back. I had to raise heck this year when my daughter went back because they did not have her and requested roommate in the same unit in the West. We had bought all kitchen stuff together so it was imperative they were in the same unit.

Who knows what the order will be. My friend has an athlete and that is her worry as her daughter has to be up at 5 mornings so she needs to be close to campus. I would imagine they accoomodate athletes first because of the early time commitments, but really who knows. Once again, I am sure this didnt just come up, so why not give more notice. Its hard to look for an apartment when you are not in DC, and most of the kids are leaving in 3 weeks.

Anyone noticed Howard finally got around to updating the freshman scholarships? It 's not useful to 2016 HS grads but 2017 HS grads can go into their application cycle with eyes wide open.

I wonder why they waited so long to update it


They shouldn’t have bothered to change it until next spring sometime. It’s a slap in the face to 2016 HS grads who were misled.

I got into howard!!! Got the email today!

does anyone know how to check if they got a scholarship or not?

@Hopeful42020 I think they notify by email first.

@Hopeful42020 you can check on bisonweb under financial aid

Thanks. In the email it says “If you have not already done so, you should complete the 2016-17 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).” This is not applicable to internationals right? (I’m an international.)

^^^^^ any help here guys?

@Hopeful42020 You are correct, international students don’t file FAFSA because they won’t qualify for federal aid. You should take a look at the thread discussing the new scholarship criteria. Basically, unless you qualify for Founders or Presidential, chances are you will be full pay.

Thanks @JAMCAFE!

@Hopeful42020 And if you are offered Founders or Presidential, make note of the GPA to maintain it. Doable, but requires focus and effort. For the all of the reputed fun at Howard, there are still driven, very bright kids and so work for an A is expected, not given, as it should be. Some majors are said to be quite demanding. Same as with all colleges. Let us know what you decide to do!

I’ve just been notified by email that I was awarded the Capstone scholarship! Also the rest of my financial package has finally been uploaded online and it’s pretty generous. I just wish they weren’t so late! I have narrowed down my choices to two schools and have been trying to decide on one, and they just made my situation even more complicated! This is so bittersweet to me haha.

@ThatPeprika Same!! Just got the email for the Capstone Scholarship!!

The document to accept the award should be emailed back to them right?

@ReturningFavor duly noted!