hows financial aid looking for a second bachelor degree in this economic climate?

<p>I’m not very up- to- date with government program in regard to this. Anyone know? I need to change career but I can’t go for master cuz I waited to long for fianicial reasons. I was told that if its like 5 year/or more after your bachelor you have to take more credits. How good are my chance of getting good amount of fianiacial aid for next semester? I’m dirt poor now and is filing for bankruptcy.</p>

<p>Financial aid is hard to come by for a second bachelors degree. Federal grant aid such as the the Pell are for first bachelors degrees only and are not available at all for a second bachelors.</p>

<p>Many reasonably priced schools (state) have stopped even accepting people seeking second bachelors because they’re having a hard enough time serving those wanting a first.</p>

<p>What type of masters are you seeking? I’ve never heard that a several year gap was a problem.</p>

<p>We have TONS of students returning for second bachelors degrees (highest unemployment in the nation …). Only federal loans at undergraduate levels (with undergrad aggregate borrowing limit of $57,500) are available. No Pell, SEOG, work study. Institutions may have internal funding for second bachelors grants; we do not.</p>

<p>You can talk to your school about getting into a Post Bachelors status for completing prerequisites for your masters. You will be limited to a certain amount of loans for a specified period of time based on the program. Talk to the school’s admissions office.</p>

<p>My eldest daughter graduated from Colgate in 2008. She worked for 6 months then was laid off, and there is no work to be found.</p>

<p>She is pursuing a second bachelors, in preparation for a masters in a program far removed from her first bachelors.</p>

<p>She is getting close to maxing out her federal student loans. Being independent now she is now eligible for unsubsidized, which she wasn’t before, but there are limits to those as an undergrad.</p>

<p>Dependent students are eligible for unsub Staffords. </p>

<p>The max cumulative Stafford for a dependent student is $31,000 of which up to $23,000 can be subsidized. The max for an independent undergrad student is $57,500 (still only up to $23k subsidized). That is quite a lot of loans already. I feel for her. One of my worries is that my kids will finish college and not find employment :(</p>