How's it looking?

<p>Hi everyone! I know it's a bit old, but I was just wondering if you could give me a quick idea of my RD chances. I really appreciate this. </p>

<p>GPA: ~3.5 UW taking “Most Difficult Course Load” as my counselor marked it on my record. School has no rank and does not weight grades, yet is extremely rigorous. </p>

<p>SAT: 2240 (790 CR, 730 Writing, 720 Math)
SAT II: 730 US History, 720 Math 1C, 700 Chem</p>

<p>AP’s: AP US History: 5
AP Macroeconomics: 5
AP Statistics: 4</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>• National Ocean Sciences Bowl team fall 2002-present (member of varsity team since sophomore year).<br>
• Yearbook editor fall 2002-2005. Staff member 2005-2006.
• Co-founder and President Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Investor’s Group.</p>

<p>Awards and Honors:</p>

<p>• National Ocean Sciences Bowl regional champions 2003, 2004, 2005.<br>
• Second place at national championship of National Ocean Sciences Bowl in 2005. Team won all-expense paid trip to Bermuda to study coral reef ecology at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research.
• National Merit Commended Student.<br>
• Yearbook won the Top Journalism Award, Class I, New England Scholastic Press Association.
• Dual County League All-Star in Tennis in Spring 2005.
• Certificate of Merit for Excellence on National Spanish Exam at Levels 2, 3, and 4</p>


<p>• Tennis as freshman, sophomore (Varsity), and junior (Varsity). (Tryouts for spring season 2006--senior year--have not yet occurred).</p>


<p>• Sales specialist at REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.), worked full time over the summer, working 18 hours per week during the school year. Expertise in kayaks, mountain bikes, and car rack systems</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:</p>

<p>• Volunteer tutoring in geological sciences and advanced algebra for peers having academic difficulty.</p>

<p>I forgot to mention, I attend a public school in Massachusetts. Not that it matters, but it may be helpful to know in evaluating my chances.</p>

<p>So what are my chances? Be brutally honest.. I encourage it.</p>

<p>Good chance. Let's call it 65%, maybe a bit better.</p>

<p>gosh I hope you're right.</p>

<p>Question: is your GPA on a straight scale, or are +/- weighted (eg is an A- 4.0 or 3.7?) If they're +/- weighted, you have a fairly good chance (I'd say 60% range as well)</p>

<p>My GPA is unweighted on the following scale:</p>

<p>4.0= A
3.7= A-
3.3= B+
3.0= B</p>

<p>Is this good or bad?</p>

<p>That's good, considering your GPA. Your GPA seemed a little low for your other stats, but many people have a straight scale (all A's are a 4.0, all B's are a 3.0, etc) and therefore you're within the range of someone else with a 3.8+ unweighted. The admissions committee will take your school's specific grading system into consideration, so don't feel like the 3.7 A-'s will hurt you. That's what I suspected was the case, so that's why I asked. :-) I'd say you have a 62% chance of being accepted (of course, this is a random number!!)</p>

<p>I think you have an excellent chance!</p>