How's prehealth in NYU

<p>I am thinking about transferring to NYU for undergraduate pre-health program. I am interested in becoming a dentist. I have been reading a lot of discussion threads about NYU's pre-med. I just wonder how pre-dental is really like at NYU.
How is NYU's pre-health program? Does it have a high ranking in the nation?
Are there many pre-dental students in NYU compared to premeds?
Do most pre-dental students apply to other dental schools or do they simply just stick with NYU's dental school after completing undergrad? </p>

<p>Thanks very much. </p>

<p>Pre-health: generally quite good except for the physics classes which are an absolute travesty. Generally, it is well respected, although I don’t think that there’s any real ranking of pre-health programs. I have met few pre-dental students, but they do exist. I think that many apply to other dental schools due to cost, but some do apply to NYU, and others apply for the combined BA/DDS degree, though I’m not sure how competitive it is.</p>

<p>For all intents and purposes, pre-med and pre-dental are identical at the undergrad level with the exception of which test you take (DAT or MCAT)</p>