How's schedule Junior year? (Would like to get into Dartmouth)

<p>Honors English 11
Wind Ensemble (most adv.)
PE (all year, put it off 'til now, 1.5 req.)
AP Gov
AP French (skipped a year)
AP Chemistry
Accelerated Pre-Calc
American Foreign Policy
Drivers' Ed
Health (req.)</p>

<p>Anticipate being able to take AP English, AP Calc, AP Physics senior year.</p>

<p>take AP English lang hunior year and AP English lit senior year IF able to. Dartmouth wants a REALLY intense courseload. If you can handle/obtain another AP that would be great. Except chem and french are rly hard APs. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm</p>

<p>How about substituting American Foreign Policy or psychology with something else? Maybe an another AP.</p>

<p>How are you able to take so many classes at your school? We can only take a maximum of seven. If you want to impress colleges, just try to take a full courseload of honors classes starting from your junior year. Also keep in mind that even though you want to get into Dartmouth and probably other similarly prestigious colleges, you still have to make room for leisure in your schedule. Junior year is most likely the hardest year in high school and you should not overestimate your capacity to work right now in case you'll grow to hate it later on</p>

<p>psych is after school (consortium) and foreign policy was to fill in a gap. No matter what i did with the schedule, i couldn't fit in another ap this year.</p>

<p>Can you put off gym until next year? If so DO IT and take another honors course.</p>