Hows the soccer and political science programs at Cornell?

<p>Hows the soccer and political science programs at Cornell?</p>

<p>from what I get from my scanning of the sports section of the Daily Sun, I feel like the soccer team has been losing a lot this year. you can look that up yourself on their website.</p>

<p>political science, haven’t got the least clue.</p>

<p>faustarp, that was a pointless post. Almost as much as the one I’m writing right now.</p>

<p>Thank you CC-creator for creating CC.
For that just made my life.</p>

<p>I’m glad to be of service</p>

<p>there is no political science major at cornell…we do have a government major though (mostly interchangeable) </p>

<p>cornell offers a world-class education…HYPS do get the better speakers though :(</p>

<p>i feel that cornell is too hard and out of the way for really famous speakers…</p>

<p>We had Maya Angelou speak at Convocation :-)</p>

<p>And Stephen Colbert did a show last October…don’t think HYP got him ;-)</p>

<p>^not to be too fact-based, but Colbert spoke at Class Day at Princeton last year, and also did a fantastic interview-style appearance at Harvard a year or two ago. the Harvard things is one of my favorite out-of-character Colbert videos ever.</p>

<p>(btw, this is definitely something you should take into account when applying to a school. you want your school to have the Colbert bump! U of R got it this year, and so did UB in the spring.)</p>

<p>eh…I was just trying to make the point that Cornell gets good (and sometimes famous) speakers.</p>

<p>oh I know. I have seen more “famous” people since I got here than I have in my entire life.</p>

<p>Such as?</p>

<p>I’ve only seen Bill Maher so far. Unless there are famous people walking about that I don’t know.</p>

<p>cornell doesnt have the most famous speakers even for a college in ny…</p>

<p>i mean columbia had amadinehad (SPPPP)</p>

<p>ResurgamBell, be glad he didn’t come to Cornell…what did he do at Columbia, spew anti-gay stuff? I mean I’m sure he said more, but that’s all anyone remembers now. </p>

<p>Colbert is cool. The only famous people at NYU are all the child stars who never made it (Mattilda, Sixth Sense kid, the whole freaking Olsen family)…our guest speaker at welcome week was michael ian black, an alumnus, now a comedian…yeah we’re not really into academic stuff :slight_smile: The law school gets nicer speakers, and undergrads are allowed to attend sometimes.</p>

<p>princeton had kofi annan last year i think…</p>

<p>i’d say our biggest speaker is the dahli lama…anne coulter needs to return</p>