How's this schedule?

<p>This is for incoming freshman. Not Honors business major 16 hours</p>

<p>M-music121 8-8:50 Woosley. I heard its easy but a girl I know took it 12 years ago said she thought it was hard
GBA14512-12:50 Frost</p>

<p>T/Th-Soc101-11-12:15 Yearout. Farrah Hall
mA112-12:30-1:45 Chen-Gordon Palmer
Eng 101 2:00-3:15 Emerson. Ten Hoor Hall</p>

<p>Is this doable? Getting to each class. Looked on map and it seems GP to Ten Hoor is furthest away</p>

<p>T-math lab12:30 but heard you can go to lab anytime??</p>

<p>W-CS102-12-12:50 Morris</p>

<p>Any tips or suggestions?</p>

<p>I would like to know too. My son will hopefully have a similar schedule(we don’t go to BB until mid July), but we have no idea if there are class combinations to avoid because they are too far apart distance-wise?</p>

<p>I would avoid an 8am Monday morning class…too easy to skip.</p>

<p>It depends on the kid. My son much prefers 8 am classes to afternoon classes.</p>

<p>I agree M2CK. But all others were full - i told him is the low man on the totem pole… At least no Friday class. I hope Tues/Thursdaywon’t be too rough. Need to find out about lab though</p>

<p>I would think as a business major, there should be an ECON class on the schedule? EC 110 or 111?</p>

<p>My D has all 8:00am classes on MWTHF. One is her Chem101 and the other Math
She seems okay with them. Said she gets an extra 1-2 hours of sleep as her high school started at 7:30. She would prefer that they be later and keeping an eye on changing those to a bit later. She is happy to be done so early in the day though so that she has a big block of time to study and do homework.</p>

<p>I agree that having classes too late in the day kind of wastes the day, and then students may get in a vicious cycle of staying up late (knowing they don’t have to get up until late). My S has had an 8 am class either 5x a week or 3x a week for the past 2 semesters. This coming fall, he has 8am classes 5x a week. No problems whatsoever.</p>

<p>Re MUS 121 - I notice it is a 3 credit class, but meets for 50 minutes only 1x a week?! Hard to believe that. I bet there is a LOT of outside work to be done to justify those 3 credit hours.</p>

<p>I believe some of work is done online and also they attend concerts weekly for MUS 121. Since my S will be a pledge he will be up late at swaps etc… So no need for 8 am’s</p>

<p>My D took MUS 121 with Dr. Woosley. The class is at 8 am, but it only meets once a week, so it’s bearable. I would recommend attending; my D went to all the classes but said that roughly half the class was not present at any given class meeting. You do need to have some self discipline for this class, because there is on-line work as well as a requirement to attend a few musical performances. I would recommend that your son complete his online work as soon as he can and not wait until the last minute, because if you’re even one minute late, you can’t turn the assignment in (that said, there’s plenty of time to complete the assignments and you know the due dates up front, and I believe he drops the lowest online quiz grade). Likewise with the concerts - go early. I believe Dr. Woosley even gives extra credit to those who attend the early concerts. He also gave other extra credit opportunities, such as attending extra concerts. In terms of the material, this is not a difficult class - any difficulty lies in having the self-discipline to do the work in the timely manner.</p>

<p>Regarding distance, GP to ten Hoor might have been tough in 10 minutes, but 15 should be fine. Looks like a good schedule to me! Best of luck to your son.</p>

<p>If a student is a natural early riser, then 8am classes are fine for frosh.</p>

<p>Warning: Just because a high school student had Zero Period early classes, does not mean that an 8am college class will be easy. High school kids live at home and are “in bed” much earlier than college kids who are known to be socializing on weekends til 3am or later. There are many distractions, especially that first year…especially if pledging.</p>

<p>I really need to find him another class or just drop it and save for later… that would give him 13 hours and that is what the Avanti told him to have (if a pledge) just no room for dropping though</p>

<p>Switched his math teacher so he now needs to get from Ten Hoor to Lloyd Hall in 15- what do you think?</p>

<p>He can do it.</p>

<p>Son came home over Labor Day to get his bike. He has really enjoyed having it on campus. Bama is large and very spread out but mostly flat. It made some of those trips across campus much quicker.</p>

<p>Hope to get son a bike when we get to campus. Is there a bike place close by?</p>

<p>My daughter bought herself a bike at this downtown shop: [VeloCity</a> Pro Cycle - Tuscaloosa, Alabama Bicycles- Trek Cannondale Orbea Pinarello Giant](<a href=“404”></p>

<p>She really liked how they took the time to help her find the perfect bike.</p>

<p>8 am NO WAY
This is college, social life doesn’t start till midnight.
They will make the first few then see how their peers blow off class it will be the Norm.
Maybe one day per week. Son made it through in 4 years without ever having a Friday class
Can You say 3 day weekends !!</p>

<p>College kids need at least 10 hours sleep with No beer in the system !!!</p>

<p>Bubbaluscious- dropped the 8am. And no Friday classes. He will be very busy as a pledge so this will be an ideal schedule!!</p>