HP DV2 for college

<p>I bought an HP DV2 laptop for college - it's really good, can do a lot. It has a 320GB HDD, 4GB RAM, Vista Premium 64-bit (putting Win7 on it), LED backlit screen that can play 1080p (12.1 inches), and it's really thin and light.
The only problem is the 1.6GHz single core processor, which is designed for such small notebooks that aren't really netbooks. I was wondering if that'll be fine in college. I have a small budget (not much over $600, which is what I got this for).<br>
Another thing - they will be releasing the dual core version within days so I will look into that as a possibility and will exchange this if it falls into the price range.</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated.<br>
Thank you</p>

<p>Yeah, unless you are going into engineering or graphic design AND are going to pay for all of the programs to install to your laptop, that is fine. Really all you need for college for the most part is a laptop that can handle web browsing and word processing. That being said if the dual core version is not a hefty charge then I would look into that just because I like to have the newest things out, but that’s just me.</p>