HPM Program

<p>How selective is U Miami's HPM Program? Is it quite difficult to get into?</p>

<p>Quite is an understatement. They only select ten students every year and even our valedictorian with a 5.4 HPA, 1580 SAT (2350 SATs) was denied admissions for HPM from a very top public school in South Florida.</p>

<p>i think they told me the average sat was 1520. honestly, i was under the impression that it wasn’t that hard (as in not as hard as the others), but still pretty difficult</p>


<p>They only accept seriously like 10 kids every year. It is one of the most competitive programs, I know kids who get into Ivy leagues over the HPM</p>

<p>who told you they only accept 10 people? i talked to the head person (yamilet medina-lopez) during a chat thing, and she told me the typical numbers. unfortunately i don’t remember them (which obviously doesn’t help my case), but if they only accepted 10, i’m pretty sure i would remember that because that’s insanely low (even less than rice/baylor and gwu)…
and obviously people get into ivy leagues and not the hpm. HYP(SMC) are easily much harder than med programs (except plme, nu hpme, and rice/baylor)</p>

<p>but i’ll be sure to ask for numbers when i go for my interview</p>

<p>actually bro, HYP-SMC are like 10% or so acceptance rates. Most, if not all, early med programs are less than that. I think Bruins’ statment holds.</p>

<p>oh man, i forgot a sentence in my last post haha. i meant to say HYP are the only ivies that are harder to get into than med programs (the others are prob just as hard or easier)</p>

<p>UM HPM is prob harder than HYP if they actually do only accept 10 people. but if there are around 30 or so people, then i wouldn’t be so sure.</p>