Hrm H-Y haven't cashed my cheques yet..

<p>Anyone else? Should I call them up?</p>

<p>I would say don't wory about it yet. Harvard haven't cashed my check either but I already got my PIN and everything. Yale did but I overnighted my application and it was delivered in person not to the P.O. box so maybe that made a difference. When did you send your stuf?? NYC probably deals with a lot of mail... Idk</p>

<p>martini, you get your pin? in the mail in wisconsin? i would think it should get to St. Louis at my house around the same time... or did they email it to you?</p>

<p>Shaganov: yeah in the mail in the deep prairies :)
i am certain you should get yours soon.</p>

<p>y17k: are you from Canada? you say "cheques" :)</p>

<p>from australia :P</p>

<p>are you an intel or a permanent resident?</p>

<p>For Shaganov:
i got my PIN three days ago here in Northern California. (i was a bit jolted by the thin looking forward to may, yes, but with a bit of dread too i must admit...)</p>

<p>from australia :P</p>

<p>did you guys send yours in on the15th? if so, i'm worried...</p>

<p>i dont know if mine was postmarked on the 14th or the 15th, but i live in california so it probably arrived after everyone else's anyway.</p>

<p>edit: in any case, i wouldn't start worrying for at least another week.
edit ii: harvard was the 15th, sorry. i remember now.</p>

<p>mine was sent on the 15th, arrived on the 18th and was processed on the 28th.</p>

<p>i've gotten NOTHING from harvard yet. nothing.</p>

<p>do not worry, Shaganova, you are ok. my recommendations were sent in jan but online it says march 9.</p>

<p>i am sure your application got there. i used delivery confirmation so i could know where my things are at all times and have proof.
after harvard though, i started even overnighting stuff and i kind of like it. my yale check got cashed really early</p>

<p>"Cheques" haha.</p>

<p>I was taught British English, so at first every time I'd tell the time or use the word "quarrel", people would look at me funny. Not to mention the "u" in words like colo(u)r and flavo(u)r. I have come a bloody long way since using "how do you do" though :)</p>

<p>Yes, Cheques... is there a problem? Viva Canada and Australia. ;)</p>

<p>I can't figure out whether my app package was processed, because I had a fee waiver. So far, nothing yet in the mail!</p>

<p>Oh, hey canadian girl

<p>haha hey there! hmm i guess we've created a kind of community of our own.... of HYSC applicants? Come May, I predict we'll all be freaking out on the discussion boards... let's support each other haha.</p>

<p>definitely. i am already freaking out. it is strange to think that some of us might end up in the same school in september and probably get to know each other.</p>

<p>did you submit your stanford application online?</p>

<p>i sent t1 form online, but t2 paper.
I didn;t use any delivery confirmation service so I hope mine didn't get lost or anything...</p>