HS Senior looking for perfect college fit

<p>I've recently been accepted to SUNY Geneseo and found it to be at the top of my college choices for this fall. After visiting in the fall I found the campus to be gorgeous and got a "close-knit" intimate feel from the school. Coming from Long Island I spend a lot of time in NYC and am also a big sports fan so i assumed that i would end up at a school more like University at Buffalo or Albany. Although I love the campus at Geneseo I'm afraid it might be too small for me. Does anyone have any experience at Geneseo that they could share about the sports, night life, etc?</p>

<p>We’re very big in sports, not D-1 like football and stuff but our soccer teams and tennis teams are amazing and very competitive. Night life is just the same as every other school, drinking and doing drugs are typically the scene, but the campus makes sure there are things to do on the weekend for those who aren’t heavy partiers.</p>

<p>The school is pretty big on hockey in the winter, but most people I know don’t follow many other sports here. There are definitely a lot of students who participate in them though. We don’t have a football team which kind of sucks : /. The rugby and crew teams are pretty popular and you can join them with no experience. Intramural sports are pretty popular, especially broomball. The campus is small, but in the way where I see people I know when I’m going to class and stuff but not so small that everyone knows my business. I think it’s a pretty decent size. The nightlife is ok. If you get involved in sports or Greek life you’ll have no problem finding a party Thursday-Saturday. A lot of people go to the IB which is 19 to get in and 21 to drink, and there are three or four other bars right on Main St. A lot of people also go to Rochester or RIT on the weekends for a change of pace. If you aren’t a big drinker, the school has some fun events on the weekends.</p>

<p>most things happen right on campus right? since the town of Geneseo isn’t too big. Is there anything else to do in Geneseo or is it basically just main street and then the nature park?</p>

<p>Most things happen on campus or within walking distance of the campus. If you don’t have a car or a friend with one, most of the stuff to do would be on campus or on Main St. There is also a movie theater and a bowling alley a short drive away. Letchworth State Park and Stony Brook Park are close and are really nice. The Darien Lake amusement park is about 45 minutes away and it’s pretty fun. They have buses on the weekends to Rochester and there’s a lot of stuff to do there. They have two really nice malls and a lot of other colleges in the area. The school also has a program called Upstate Escapes which does things like white-water rafting and going to amusement parks.</p>

<p>is it worth bringing a car to campus first year?</p>

<p>I didn’t have a car freshman year and sometimes it was really annoying to have to take the bus to Walmart, get one thing, and then wait 45 minutes for the bus to come back. A car makes everything a lot easier in my opinion so I’d recommend it.</p>