HS Transcript Grades

<p>This is more of a general college admission question, but I’m wondering if the AFA would look at quarter grades as well as semester grades. I remember being told by a teacher years ago that colleges didn’t look at quarter grades, but after seeing my official transcript it shows quarter grades just as clearly as semester grades. For example, if I got an A for first quarter and a C for second quarter would the AFA just look at the B for the semester grade or would they be like “what’s this C doing!?!?”</p>

<p>I don’t have any grades below a B- now, I’m just a little scared that I’m going to get a C+ in Calculus this quarter, but I had a B last quarter.</p>


<p>Oh, nevermind, sorry. I just looked again at my transcript and it only shows the quarter grades of my block classes which are the classes that are twice as long and only last one semester so the quarters are the equivalent of one semester of a regular class.</p>

<p>they dont look at quarterly grades… just the semester. from what i’ve been told.</p>

<p>Do I have to send my 1st semester senior year grades to the academy, or does the academy ask the school to send them?</p>

<p>you must send them (or have your counselor send them)</p>

<p>you also have to send second semster senior grades, if I am not mistaken</p>