HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

Has anyone been notified of their status of the general application? Mine doesn’s have a statues but they have asked for more documents.

Same here. We get notified sometime in June or July, according to the HSF website.

This is an automated response from HSF's help email service. (Happens every time you email them.)

Thank you for contacting the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. We will respond to your email as soon as possible. Please allow up to 3 business days for a response.


Please note that our extended document deadline has passed and we are no longer accepting documents at this time. As a reminder, HSF will not accept mailed, emailed and faxed documents.

HSF will notify applicants via email of their final award status in mid to late June 2015.

HSF Scholarships Team"

It’s mid-June! I’m freaking out! :))

Anxiously waiting too! Did anyone here also apply for the Univision scholarship?

@bubblet I only applied to the general one but I emailed them and they responded that they will “Notify applicants via email of their final award status in mid to late June 2015” so as @PeacefulWorld stated it’s mid June lol so hopefully we will all hear soon!!! and hopefully it’s good news :slight_smile:

I didn’t apply to the Univision scholarship. I didn’t even know it existed xD

Good luck, Hispanic brothers. :smiley:

Does anyone know if everyone had to turn the transcript and student aid report? Because I was reading in the faq and finalist are asked for documents but since you can’t see the status of your application I’m assuming everyone was asked for extra documentation.

^ Hmm I think it was finalists only…

Low-key freaking out lol

When you guys sign in to your account, does it list your status? Does it say finalist or anything? Mine doesn’t.

^ It doesn’t, but they said they’d only ask finalists for documents

They asked me to submit documents in May but I still haven’t heard anything. Do the scholarships trickle out or are they announced all at once?

Spoke to them today and they are still reviewing applications and hope to be finished by Friday. Hopefully we will hear something by Monday :slight_smile: Good Luck everyone!

I would be lying if I said I’m not low-key freaking out every time I open my email lol. Good luck to everyone!! :))

^^ I’ve been doing the same thing! Lol. Hopefully we all find out soon and hopefully it’ll be good news. GOOD LUCK!!!

Idk why I’m feeling anxious…I’m extremely fortunate to no longer need any scholarships so if I get the Univision or HSF scholarships I’ll be turning them down. I shouldn’t be expecting anything though since I wrote the essays like 15 minutes before the deadline :))

^^ SAME. Well, the part about the procrastination, not the full scholarship part (congrats!! btw) I reread my essays today and they scream that they were written by an exhausted teenager. In the “online search ten years from now” question, I wrote that Myspace has become the social network of choice again :))

May the odds be ever in your favor :stuck_out_tongue:

I procrastinate a lot too… I don’t want to reread my essays because I think I’ll just freak out even more xD

Good luck to ya!

Has anyone heard anything yet? I received a very general email to upload the SAR not sure if that’s the same as everyone else. I hope I am awarded something!

Hi, no I haven’t heard anything from them. Only finalists are asked to upload their SAR, college/high school transcript, and an optional resume. Have you already submitted these before?

It seems very weird that they would send you that email right before the estimated decision days. (Next Monday or Tuesday since its “Mid-final June”) No one has heard anything yet. Heck, the decisions could be sent to us later today. I suggest you call/email them about the email message. (I got that about a month ago.)

Good luck to everyone out there! :slight_smile: