HSF Hispanic Scholarship Fund???

I’m sorry I worded my comment weird lol I received it sometime at the end of May, but it just seemed like a very general email (like it was sent to everyone). I submitted my SAR, college transcript, and resume. I had googled and seen applicants from years before had a status on their application, I couldn’t find it anywhere on my application. I emailed HSF and asked about it but they didn’t answer my question as to where I could find it, just that we would get an email if we were selected late June.

No worries, I automatically expected the worst case scenario xD

Yes, I received it. The good news is that only finalists receive it!

No, the system they have this year doesn’t have the ‘application status’ for applicants. The marker does show up below ‘select a program’ but it doesn’t tell you what’s up. HSF will send us an email very soon, so I wouldn’t bother with checking MyHSF.

Good luck!

Oh okay awesome though now I am getting a bit nervous! I already went through checking my email nonstop for two months for my nursing program. Now I will definitely be doing the same again! Good luck to all of us hope we hear some good news soon.

Do anyone know how big the scholarships ar and who are the sponsors?

I think I read somewhere that they vary and I’m not sure who the sponsors are @Amstrad

Does everybody upload the documents?

@Amstrad The scholarships vary based upon the financial aid information that you uploaded. I have no idea about the sponsors.

Hello Amstrad, only finalists are asked to upload their SAR, high school/college transcript, and an optional resume. Yes, awards vary on the applicant’s financial need. Online FAQs can be found here:


I really want to know if i got awarded already

We suspect the decision will come this Monday, Tuesday at the latest. (Since its the end of June) Unless they announce a later date for award decision. (I hope not!)

Good luck!

I really hope they dont take longer. Its been hell already just waiting for it lol
So where are you guys going to college?

University of North Texas accepted me but I’m still waiting for American University’s decision. I would love to go to DC but it may be on a dream, for now of course :wink: How about you?

Headed to Columbia University! Super excited to spend the next four years in NYC B-)

Nice, @bubblet ! Hope you have a great time there! :slight_smile:

That’s awesome u guys! I’m going to UC Davis

Im going to University of Texas at Austin \m/

Heeeey @bubblet , maybe I’ll see you around campus! I’m going to Barnard :-h

Hey guys, I still haven’t heard back from HSF. I was asked to upload my college transcripts and what not in May. I’m super nervous to hear back.
I’ll be attending Cal Poly SLO as a Mechanical Engineering transfer student.

Good luck to you all and I hope that we receive their encouragement in the form of a scholarship! :slight_smile:

Hello @PoisonsRatio92 we haven’t heard from them either. We think HSF will contact us on Monday, but Tuesday at the latest.

Good luck to you too. May God lead us to victory. :slight_smile:

I understand they have many applicants but they are taking forever. Even millennium notified their awardees a long time ago.